Uniup/usdt - binance // buy zone

Hi guys. How?s going there?

I bring you an analysis of the UNI leveraged token, I usually use Bianance's leveraged tokens, in this way I avoid the risk of liquidation and in turn the profit (or loss) is multiplied by approximately two.

UniUP / USDT is in an area of historical lows, so it is very likely that they are accumulating and in the not too distant future there will be a considerable rise.

You will know whether to buy or not, in my case I have already started to buy something.


Hola chicos. Como estan?

Les traigo un analisis del token apalancado UNI, yo suelo usar los token apalancados de Bianance, de esta forma evito el riesgo de liquidacion y a su vez la ganancia (o perdida) se multiplica por aproximadamente dos.

UniUP/USDT esta en una zona de minimos historicos, por lo que es muy probable que esten acumulando y en un futuro no muy lejano se de una subida considerable.

Uds sabran si comprar o no, en mi caso ya he comenzado a comprar algo.
