Unique Network Launching NFTs on Kusama and Polkadot

NFT market is expanding like viral fever expanding around the world. Ethereum being the most expensive crypto blockchain seems to be struggling to handle this expansion. This problem has been noticed by many blockchains for the NFTs on their own infrastructure. 

In case of Polkadot blockchain, there are few projects which are working on the NFT implementations of their own to solve the issues in this space. Unique network is one such project that has been planning on launching the NFT infrastructure on Kusama and Polkadot. 

Recently Unique Network announced the launch of NFT infrastructure on Kusama and Polkadot blockchain.



Why Polkdot for NFT Market?

We all know that Ethereum is capable of a lot of innovative projects on it's blockchain. However the way it is difficult to scale the blockchain makes it a dire need for the market to seek alternative blockchains. Polkadot makes use of the parachains and the ability to scale the load in such context. And it is this reason it is one of the biggest candidate for the better smart contracts and the NFTs. 

Apart from this, the price of the NFT market is booming due to the ETH gas fees. Which is a problem that DOT is not suffering from. And so it can help people build the NFTs on the top of itself. And using the parachains, it can even connect with other blockchains so you can use the NFT in the true DeFi sense. 

What about NFT Curation?

Currently really poor art and the items are being deployed on the NFT markets. And so there is dire need for the curation in the NFT markets and the galleries. In order to expand the NFTs in the right direction one has to make sure to only support genuine art and the items on the NFT space. This problem I hope the Polkadot based NFT community can solve this using the governance and other curation efforts. 

Polkadot is maturing pretty decently with the decent projects and the DeFi investments built on the top of it. It'd be interesting to see how the NFTs get populated on Polkadot and Kusama blockchain.