Uniqly: The Game Changer of the NFT World

The text below is an advertorial article that was not written by Cryptonews.com journalists.

Everyone familiar with the crypto world is already aware of the current demand of a particular niche in the ever-growing market of digital goods: NFT products.

In particular, NFT art has seen some major recognition both from our netizens and from major institutional outlets.

Digital art is on the rise, there is high demand for it and we have already seen its potential.

Beeple and his 69 million dollar sale have ushered a new era for NFT products, and the people at Uniqly have managed to get on the wave with great momentum and uncanny precision.

We already had a demonstration of the capabilities of Uniqly team during their first public sale, in which the well oiled machine of Uniqly staff has worked in a professional and smooth manner to get to their coin target in less than 10 minutes.

The public sale had an hardcap of 680k usd, in a FCFS format. First of all, while first come first served is for sure fairer than any kind of lottery, it takes much more work from a B2C standpoint, so their job is already impressive enough.

But for a new project like theirs, the real victory is the speed of the sale. While they knew of their community enthusiasm they still allotted a nice slice of the day to the sale, only to burn trought their cap 2 hours ahead of schedule.

This enthusiasm showcases both the potential of Uniqly and the solidity of their team. The sale finished without hiccups, and the people are pumped to get on the next one on march 31!

Uniqly: The game changer of the NFT world.

Everyone familiar with the crypto world is already aware of the current demand of a particular niche in the ever-growing market of digital goods: NFT products.

In particular, NFT art has seen some major recognition both from our netizens and from major institutional outlets.

Digital art is on the rise, there is high demand for it and we have already seen its potential.

Beeple and his 69 million dollar sale have ushered a new era for NFT products, and the people at Uniqly have managed to get on the wave with great momentum and uncanny precision.

We already had a demonstration of the capabilities of Uniqly team during their first public sale, in which the well oiled machine of Uniqly staff has worked in a professional and smooth manner to get to their coin target in less than 10 minutes.

The public sale had an hardcap of 680k usd, in a FCFS format. First of all, while first come first served is for sure fairer than any kind of lottery, it takes much more work from a B2C standpoint, so their job is already impressive enough.

But for a new project like theirs, the real victory is the speed of the sale. While they knew of their community enthusiasm they still allotted a nice slice of the day to the sale, only to burn trought their cap 2 hours ahead of schedule.

This enthusiasm showcases both the potential of Uniqly and the solidity of their team. The sale finished without hiccups, and the people are pumped to get on the next one on march 31!

How Uniqly will revolutionize the NFT world

By bringing value to NFT products.

That's the short answer. As of now, a lot of people are on the fence about digital products in general. Owning a nice picture, or a painting feels much more real than owning a 10k dollars piece of digital art.

Apart from other amazing features, Uniqly will give you the ability to turn that string of code into a real object, while retaining the initial value, making digital products more accessible to the general public, investors, and collectors alike.

And this is just one of the unique features that Uniqly offers(pardon the pun). The team has managed to create an entire ecosystem of equally valuable services, each better than the last.

We have the Uniqly:

Marketplace — We start with a vital feature for both token flow and longevity, an online market that allows our users to trade NFT tokens backed by real-world items. Users will be able to create their own unique landing page and list their products created in the Uniqly generator, or deposited via their escrow function. This will enable people to both develop an audience for themself and create a single place to both display and sell their goods.

Escrow — They have created a solution that allows you to easily trade all physical products, even those that were not created in the website Generator, including clothing, works of art, collectibles, and more. We have already seen this system as it is used for all kinds of high-value goods: you simply have to deposit an item in a Uniqly secure warehouse and then, after careful examination, Uniqly experts will authorize and issue an NFT token that represents your item on the blockchain. This will give both legitimacy and security to your item, as digital signatures cannot be faked and the item is stored in the equivalent of a vault!

The ability to Materialize and stake NFT tokens.This is a double feature of the Uniqly project you will be able to: Materialize NFT — with this feature you will be able to materialize your favorite NFT tokens from outside of the Uniqly ecosystem, such as Cryptopunks, Hashmasks, SuperRare and other digital products. You can create a signature for yourself, giving you unique ownership of the Token and then create a real-world product from it.

Generator and proof of ownership — On Uniqly.io you will be able to create a product, and then base it on an NFT token e.g. T-shirt, hoodie, mug, flip-flops, etc. (50+ products) with the possibility of claiming it, and signing it on Etherscan with your Full Name/Nickname on the burning transaction, and then the Uniqly team will materialize it, and add a QR code which will lead you to the burning transaction on Etherscan.This process will be handled by the uniqly staff, leaving with the only job of creating a design!

Stake NFT — Some limited NFT collections will be available in exchange for freezing UNIQ tokens for an appropriate period of time, in cooperation with other projects we will create additional mining pools. Staking is not uncommon in the crypto space, but the added value of real-world itemization brings the value of the collectible to another level.

What can we expect in the future?

All this work for a new team! If you are worried by the uniqueness of the project and by the scope that it encompasses, you will be happy to hear that the staff behind this project is composed of tested veterans.

With multiple years of activity as investors, programmer, manager, and pioneers of the crypto space, Uniqly is set in an upward trajectory that can't seem to be stopped.

The rise of digital art and the planning behind the project are the perfect combinations for a bullish entrance into the market.

The Uniqly team has already given us a taste of what's to come, by handling their first public sale in a smooth and professional manner.

Their token hard cap of 680K USD has sold in 10 minutes, and new buyers are coming in every day to try and get a headstart in one of the most promising companies that are appearing in the crypto space in 2021.

We are looking towards March 31 to see how their second public sale will perform, but given the competence displayed by the Uniqly team we can expect another smooth transition towards the project launch.