Uniform Fiscal Object(UFO): Transferring values and thoughts around the world.

Greetings my friends;

A simple and motivational article I bring you a different concept inspired by the abstract and archetypal line of ufology and that means that the project is not necessarily involved with this segment, but it used the idea of ??freedom, research and development. Returning to reality, the Uniform Fiscal Object (UFO) project brings with it the idea of ??innovation and freedom in electronic commerce, bringing comfort and mobility to all the interesting and speed and security. It may seem a bit cliche on my part to establish similar views as the base of the crypto world but in relation to UFO ideas tend to follow a different line. We found difficulties in the crypto world such as: Transaction, double spend, mining difficulty, lack of security and speed. So we find a trust standard established by market development and adaptation, but is it safe? Do you have a release guarantee? In a way it is safe, yes, but UFO has a proposal that allows two parties willing to negotiate directly with each other without the need for a third. All based on cryptographic proof rather than trust. The theory is very beautiful and in this article we will see if these applications have any meaning and utility for society.

We should also focus on transaction costs, although they are small but large amounts tend to complicate and add to mining and computing power tend to diffuse the interest of miners and the community. To conclude the introduction, it's worth mentioning that this article is only motivational and introductory and if you are looking for some more technical information, I recommend you look for the access links and make it to the community to stay on top of development. Another interesting point is that all information found in this article can be found in the access links.

What is Uniform Fiscal Object(UFO)?

Uniform Fiscal Object(UFO) is a fork of Bitcoin with its algorithm and in this case it is NeoScrypt, containing its own configuration of certain parameters such as blocking times and extra features such as improved mining difficulty calculations, protection against 51 attacks. %, network strengthened and with its blockchan constantly developing and refined improvements. With an open source code there is the possibility of changes and corrections in the source code for the benefit of development and this can be managed by the community. Being an open project means that it's an experimental currency that allows decentralized P2P payments, without central authority and established by its own blockchain. Launched in 2014 as a workaround for some issues like Bitcoin's codebase, introduction of an ASIC-resistant Neoscrypt algorithm, faster transactions, Automatic Checkpoint Protection (ACP) to protect chain history, and native Segwit. These enhancements served as the basis for the present where team reforms in and development have taken place until today.

Basic proposals and updated proposals of Uniform Fiscal Object (UFO)...

The technical proposals of the network and blockchain can be found in the and repeating them here would be useless, I will focus on the present and its benefits.

With a decentralized p2p network of internet services. built on the UFO blockchain. Its main node (Calcium Node) implements inter-node connections for p2p networks, message relaying, tunnels for calcium services, a built-in extended UFO node, and a predefined set of service implementations that can be run locally by the node owner, such as SwapDEX order book, decentralized storage and distributed computing.

Walletum is a non-custodial multi-blockchain wallet that solves the problem of cryptocurrency payments both in everyday life and on the Calcium network. It will not only store cryptocurrencies but also tokens, stablecoins and NFTs. Only you will have access to your funds: in case of breakdown, hacking, leakage. In addition to having multiple functions, there will be no storage of user information in the service.

A blogging platform with a non-custodial UFO wallet, including rewards and paid UFO subscriptions.

This system can be beneficial to me (Laughter) and to all writers looking for top notch outreach. Anyway it's a blogging platform with a non-custodial UFO wallet, including rewards and paid UFO subscriptions.

You can earn in 4 ways:

1- Subscriptions.

2- Thank you.

3- Pay per view.

4- Advertisers.

Click on each project name to learn more and get to know the true meaning.

In general Calcium, Walletum and Slabber correspond to the current segment lines of the UFO project and this shows that the team seeks to bring true meanings to the project than just improving the algorithm, speed and mobility in transactions. So improvements are welcome but usually found in theories and to encourage investors and supporters you have to put into practice the goals set out in theory. With a strengthened network (Calcium), with a multi-function wallet (Walletum) and with a north of rewards and utilities (Slabber) UFO can become the most useful blockchain today, only with a large share of publicity and investments.

What do you think?

Coin specifications

Name: Uniform Fiscal Object

Symbol: UFO

Algorithm: NeoScrypt/Pow

Confirmations: 6/transaction

Circulating Supply: 3,931,193,544

Total Supply: 4,000,000,000

for technical information




Coin Rank:





Hotbit Coming Soon...


As I mentioned in the introduction this article is just motivational and introduction and my goal is to encourage you to search and access the hot links. UFO is a great project and through its recent updates it can become of great use to society bringing its benefits from its network, having a great portfolio and costs and encouraging rewards and disclosures among investors and supporters.