Unibright - 17th of May - EY Blockchain Summit, Enterprise DeFi, Baseledger

Several Updates and pieces of information were shared this week by Unibright and Provide. And just incase people were still not aware - Unibright and Provide have both adopted the UBT token, so any news related to either company leads to the adoption of the token. UBT - Universal Business Token for Enterprise Blockchain! I hope you enjoy the new style of update!



Update in Telegram: Stefan Schmidt, Unibright CEO


Early in the week we had an update from Stefan regarding Unibright and where they are at with regards to new clients, SAP, Baseledger and staking:


We are doing very well, thank you. It is in fact what I feel to be one of the most productive times we had at unibright so far. Buidlwise that is.

The side effect is that we currently seem to be a bit more silent in regards to throwing out headlines, but in fact, we are just collecting all the great news and progress to be shared once they are ready.

Baseledger development, official SAP licencing of our UBC connector package, European institutional clients, big clients onboarding with Provide, Enterprise Defi partners and integrations, and everything else I just forget to mention now.

(Sleep is actually not on the list, btw)

I think our strategy of buidl first, tell the world then still feels right. And we are very thankful for the great spirit in this group and for your understanding of our approach and style.

As soon as we have something to share, we will share, and it should not be months...

Stay safe and stay tuned for news to be shared!


Blog - Enterprise DeFi: Provide enables the output of Processes to be Tokenized


"The opportunities to improve modern treasury operations and optimize cash management using high-fidelity financial instruments will incentivize large organizations to participate in the enterprise DeFi ecosystem and create meaningful financial inclusivity. Provide enables the output of complex, multi-party business processes to be tokenized for enterprise DeFi."



EY Bockchain Summit Day 1 and Blog: The Era of Industrial Ecosystems

"There is a strong, emerging belief that public blockchain solutions will allow organizations to increase efficiency among ecosystem participants of different sizes and lower the technological barrier to entry in the network. We continue to see more enterprises building together to take advantage of the unrivaled benefits over traditional systems"

Provide and Coke One North America (CONA) spoke about the Baseline Protocol at the four day event EY Global Blockchain Summit 2021

Kyle Thomas, CEO at Provide, and Andrei Semenov, Director of Innovation for Supply Chain at CONA Services, presented a keynote on how CONA is leveraging Baseline as part of their modern supply chain strategy. In addition, Thomas and Semenov were joined by Dale Chrystie, blockchain strategist for FedEx, and Gabriele Ricci, global IT lead for Takeda, as part of a panel session entitled “The Era of Industrial Ecosystems”.




AMA on Twitter Spaces - with Jack Wiering and Jack Leahy

Jack Wiering (Unibright) and Jack Leahy (Provide) took part in a Twitter "Spaces" AMA hosted by Bae. Spaces works much like Clubhouse, and the AMA is not recorded. But some really interesting topics were discussed about the future - Adoption, Enterprise DeFi, support for additional blockchains, the growth potential for Enterprise DeFi and also if there are any future plans for a DAO. Repeat: This cannot be watched back, but many people in the telegram attended and can fill you in on details


Blog - Provide and Connext - Scaling Multichain Ethereum

"We have identified an opportunity to reduce the noise circulating throughout the blockchain ecosystem regarding L2 solutions, so enterprises can focus on using DLT and the Baseline Protocol to create transformative enterprise value. That opportunity is to integrate Connext, to which we have been contributing since 2019, with Provide Privacy, to offer a value-added L2 with native support for zero-knowledge proofs and state channels under one unified architecture. Integrating state channels into our Privacy architecture unlocks a number of new use-case permutations and creates unprecedented composability across various liquidity providers, chains and assets."




EY Bockchain Summit Day 4 - Leveraging the Baseline Protocol


Kyle again took part in a session at the EY Blockchain summit, this time to talk specifically about Baseline Protocol, alongside the Baseline Protocol Regulars such as John wolpert and co.  


Unibright join the Dutch Blockchain Coalition


Maybe people missed this one, but more on this one soon I hear...



As always, a lot is happening behind the scenes and the team is working hard! Remember to join the social channels for greater discussion about any of the above


For more Unibright Updates on Publish0x click here

Unibright — Enterprise Blockchain Solutions from Germany

Official Telegram Chat: @Unibright_IO

Official Website: Unibright.io

Official Medium Account: @unibrightIO

Official Twitter: UnibrightIO


Unibright is a team of blockchain specialists, architects, developers and consultants with 20+ years of experience in business processes and integration. We offer Consulting with Unibright Solutions, Low-Code-Integration Tools as part of the Provide Framework, programmable DeFi with Unibright Freequity, and the Universal Business Token UBT.

Unibright’s founders Marten Jung and Stefan Schmidt look back on 20+ years of experience in software development, process integration and technology consulting. Unibright are first movers in supporting business processes with blockchain technology, enabling new and improving existing processes in efficiency, transparency and security.

Unibright’s team and network offers the best architects, blockchain developers and integration specialists to build any blockchain application. Unibright is well-positioned by partnerships with the industry’s top companies and resources.


Provide.services - Synchronize Everything

Enterprise low-code distributed systems for blockchain business integration.

Provide is a pioneer in the enterprise blockchain space. We provide the easy button for deploying architectures that enable a new paradigm in enterprise computing that will rapidly accelerate your organization’s digital transformation initiatives.

Official Website: Provide.Services

Official Twitter: ProvidePlatform


Baseledger - The Blockchain built for Baselining

A public-permissioned, council-governed blockchain network that fulfills the major requirements of enterprise organizations for participating in Baseline-enabled processes: A unified architecture ensuring service quality, data privacy and integration.

Baseledger has been launched by Unibright and Provide as an open-source initiative, aiming to build a tokenized ecosystem and open community around Baseledger.

Unibright and Provide bundle years of experience in (enterprise) blockchain development, product building and customer satisfaction (Lufthansa, CONA (Coke One North America), Deutsche Bahn among them). Unibright and Provide are main drivers of the Baseline initiative, which was launched together with ConsenSys, Microsoft and EY.

Official Website: Baseledger.net

Official Twitter: BaseledgerNet

Baseledger Whitepaper

UBT Token Details on Coingecko