"unfudable" 2022. i bought myself bitcoin and leo on the first day of 2022

A few days ago I had a weird post with a weird title, that somehow reflects my personality, detailing a bit about my belief in Leofinance and the confidence that I have for it for the future. As I mentioned for thousands of times on my blog, this is the community to go for me and my blog is my proof of that.

The crypto world is a weird place to be and probably that's why I integrated myself so well. I've made a few friends in this online space and although not all of them are still active on Hive we still keep in touch.

Long story short, a few months ago, I guess it was summer of 2021, @inalittlewhile DMed me on twitter and asked if I want to be part of a KPI options airdrop from UMA and the reaction was obviously: hell yeah, who doesn't like airdrops...

I gave him my METAMASK address, he sent it to the Uma community leader, some guy called Clayton, hope I'm not messing with the names and labels, and after a while I got myself 1200 KPI options from UMA on my metamask. These expired on December 31st and I was able yesterday to redeem them for UMAs.

1200 KPI options translated to 840 UMA, which in dollars was about $7,800 at the moment I traded them for USDT. The plan was to cash out some of the airdropped money, which I did and the rest to be reinvested in crypto. Hence I bought myself 0.1 BTC and around 2,700 LEO, after cashing out about $2,400.

I was actually gonna go all in with LEO, I even tried doing that... Bought close to 3,000 HIVE from BINANCE and tried to exchange these for LEO, but using the Leodex I only managed to buy around 2,700 LEO from the target of about 19,000 which I had settled and when seeing liquidity is that dry I simply quit.

What can I say, I'm impatient and moody sometimes.

Powered up the 2,700 LEO I managed to buy, before loosing my patience and sent back the remaining HIVE to Binance. I will have to also point out here that it cost me some 50 HIVE to use hive engine for this matter, which is not actually OK imo... Hive was supposed to be a low fee blockchain.

Anyway, with the remaining funds I grabbed myself 0.1 Bitcoin and now I can say I'm no longer all in alts.  I don't know, probably it is the future, although I doubt it will go to $100,000 this year, as Nayib Bukele wrote on twitter a few hours ago. Even if it goes that high, I'm not fuckin selling. I probably won't do that even if BTC becomes a million dollars asset.

Funny, though, that I felt comfortable buying Bitcoin at $47,000 but wasn't as such when it crashed to $4,000 back in March, 2020. That thought occurred to me also as a signal that we might enter a bear market, due to my exuberance, but then again, I'm fine with that to. It's not the first one(bear market) for me so I'll handle it... I also doubt Bitcoin is still respecting the four years halving cycles it used to.

So yeah, I started the year on a good note, highly grateful to @inalittlewhile for getting me in for the airdrop and I'm definitely interested in becoming more active in UMA's community. Probably I will write a few articles once in a while having their DAO as the topic. Wish you all a great 2022 and see you to the next post!

Thanks for attention,

Initially Posted Using LeoFinance Beta