tZERO crypto wallet adding Ravencoin (RVN) as third token

Launched in June, the tZERO Crypto app allows investors to buy, sell and hold cryptocurrencies directly on their mobile phone, rather than using more vulnerable, third-party exchanges for custody.

“In addition to being one of the fastest-growing cryptocurrencies, Ravencoin is philosophically aligned with tZERO in making it easy to digitize assets and make them freely tradable. Ravencoin allows for straightforward issuance and on-chain transfer of any digital asset, including security tokens, making support for RVN a natural fit for tZERO Crypto.”

 – tZERO CEO Saum Noursalehi

Ravencoin (RVN)

Ravencoin is an open-source project designed to enable instant payments to anyone around the world. Its aim is to create a blockchain optimized specifically for the transfer of digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, from one holder to another. In addition to supporting the RVN cryptocurrency, the Ravencoin platform can be used to build and support security tokens, digital collectibles, utility tokens, gift cards, fiat currency or other user-defined assets.

“Ravencoin, which was recently named the Most Exciting New Coin of 2019, first had life breathed into it by Bruce Fenton. It’s exciting enough that the tZERO Crypto app will let one trade RVN. In addition, Ravencoin’s

– Patrick M. Byrne, CEO of tZERO’s parent company