TRX and TRON - Virtual Machines, Boxes & more

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What are TRX and TRON

Tron is an Advanced Decentralized Blockchain Platform. It was founded by Chinese entrepreneur Justin Sun in 2017. The TRON Foundation raised $70 million in 2017 through an ICO shortly before China outlawed the digital tokens.

The TRON network natively supports decentralized exchange functions. A trading pair is an Exchange Market between TRC-10 tokens. Any account can create a trading pair between any tokens, even if the same pair already exists. The TRON blockchain code is implemented in Java and was originally a fork from EthereumJ.

The TRON protocol network generates one block every three seconds, with each block awarding 32 TRX to Super Representatives. A total of 336,384,000 TRX will be awarded annually to the 27 SRs. Each time an SR finishes block production, rewards are sent to a sub-account in the super-ledger. This allows for a more democratized and decentralized ecosystem.

Tron Virtual Machine

The TRON Virtual Machine (TVM) is a lightweight, Turing complete virtual machine developed for the TRON's ecosystem. Its goal is to provide a custom-built blockchain system that is efficient, convenient, stable, secure and scalable. The network generally does not charge fees for most transactions, however, due to system restrictions and fairness, bandwidth usage and transactions do take in certain fees.

Smart contracts are written in the Solidity language. Once written and tested, they can be compiled into bytecode. Once deployed, smart contracts can be queried via their contract addresses. State-changing functions require Energy while read-only functions execute without Energy. Each account can issue tokens at the expense of 1024 TRX.

Token Economics

There will be no inflation on the TRON network before January 1, 2021. The TRON Foundation will award all block rewards and candidate rewards prior to that date. The committee is used to modify TRON dynamic network parameters, such as block generation rewards, transaction fees, etc. Each SR has the right to propose and vote on proposals.


TronBox is a framework that allows developers to test and deploy smart contracts via the TronWeb API. TronStudio is a comprehensive Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that enables developers to compile, deploy, and debug their Solidity smart contracts. The Tron Developer Hub is an API documentation site tailored towards developers wishing to build on the TRON network.

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