Tron(TRX); massively undervalued?


It will be hard to predict the exact impression Tron blockchain and its ecosystem leaves on anyone. No doubt, it surely varies. Over the years, Tron blockchain and its administrators have been subject of a number of controversial stories and infamous tales. From questions over the integrity of its administrators to complaints over the efficiency of the technology itself. Personally, I’ll probably name my three favourite cryptocurrency projects without adding Tron to the list.

From outrageous token supplies to shady fund raising and fund management practices; Tron has had a bite of the cryptocurrency ‘foul play’ and FUD as well. These stories have contributed to the relatively unpopular reputation of the Tron blockchain and its traditional cryptocurrency.

Well, it might be too extreme to call it ‘unpopular’ as it is unarguably one of the most popular cryptocurrency projects. With a founder followed by ‘millions’ of people and that popular million-dollar dinner with Warren Buffet; it is very wrong to outrightly address the Tron project as ‘unpopular’. However, compared to related projects, it is still less talked about and very much undervalued. It is unclear why this is so; but in the real sense it deserves more attention and probably more value.

Smart contract blockchains; Cardano (ADA) and BINANCE smart chain (BNB) have soared in valuation. Relative to the ethereum blockchain, they have climbed the popularity charts and claimed a place in the very elite league. With the basic feature of offering more flexibility and better economy than the ethereum blockchain, these projects have gained so much popularity in recent times while the Tron lags behind, when compared.

Fast, cheap, flexible… regardless of your conviction about the Tron blockchain, it offers these features on a platter. Something the ethereum blockchain and many other smart contract blockchains haven’t really done so well at. It’s worthy of note that it had offered these features way before most new smart contract blockchain projects. just like the ethereum blockchain, Tron offers a great platform to launch smart contracts and build decentralized applications on the blockchain. In contrast to the ethereum blockchain, you’ll be building these applications on a cheaper and less bulky blockchain.

Thanks to these features, Tron blockchain currently houses a number of impressive decentralized applications and popular smart contract projects. Bittorent, Tether-USDT, Wink… to mention a few; these projects and many others have grown under the wings and support of the Tron ecosystem.

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Sitting below the top twenty (20) ranks with a market capitalization below five billion dollars, Tron’s Value VS. Utility ratio is somewhat disproportionate. In a bull market it hasn’t really performed so well. A glance will reveal what might have gone wrong with Tron blockchain and the TRX coin. While many related projects have smashed through their past All-time-highs and have gone further to set new highs at an impressive level; Tron might have to wait for much longer to attain its previous $0.2 price level. An odd development considering the fact that this project offers almost everything ethereum and other smart contract blockchains offers. In addition, it offers a cheaper and more flexible alternative.

Controversies apart, a place in the very top ranks wouldn’t be too much to ask for the Tron blockchain. In a time where the outrageous fee of the ethereum blockchain has caused so much spillage to blockchain users, one would expect a cheaper alternative to gain an increased attention. But, as if the cryptocurrency community is getting accustomed to paying fees, the Tron blockchain hasn’t really benefitted from the chaos ethereum blockchain suffers.

I wouldn’t really blame it totally on the emergence of other similar and more professionally managed options. The cryptocurrency space has evolved so much and has grown in popularity to support the growth of multiple solutions to one issue. With adequate attention, Tron would sufficiently grow alongside these similar projects. This hasn’t been case and it seems ‘stuck’ despite more projects growing in its ecosystem.

Blame it on the management, the cryptocurrency market or whatever; Tron is yet to attain the value it deserves…in my opinion. Despite occupying a stable place in the top thirty, top ten is a reasonable position considering the utility it currently offers and its expansion across different aspects of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.


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