TRON’s SUN Network Code V1.0 is Released, DAppChain MainNet Goes Live

On September 25, 2019, an announcement is made by the leading blockchain company TRON Foundation that they will release SUN Network V1.0 (DAppChain) mainnet for the sidechain solutions.

TRON Foundation develops the base of a decentralized internet. The TRON protocol supports the DApps with high scalability, availability, and throughput. Whereas SUN Network is a solution that includes scaling projects like Smart contract DAppChain and cross-chain communication. It helps in expanding the scaling capacity of TRON MainNet.

This release will help in building the DApp ecosystem and its community’s autonomy. The TRON foundation will soon release a demo so that the community can participate in the demo-chain governance and provide little hints to develop more authenticate chains. There are supporting tools like TRONSCAN, SunWeb, and TronLink to deploy and integrate the sidechains.

Ways to Access Demo DAppChain of Sun Network:

  1. Access by Non-developer Users: TRONSCAN/TronLink is the way to access the network. It can send and receive assets between the sidechain and the main chain.
  2. Access by Developer users: To access the chain, SunWeb Node.js, as well as the JAVA SDK version can be used. Developers can code to interact with the network chain.
  3. Node on the DAppChain: Any user can be a full node on demo DApp. It is required to match some parameters like peer-to-peer (P2P) version and sidechain ID.
  4. Witness Node on DAppChain: Any user from the community can be elected as a witness with all the block rights on the sidechain by providing TRX to win the votes.

Ways to Develop your DAppChain:

Sun Network provides a facility to its developers and users to create their customized blockchains. The code can be generated which is connected to the TRON MainNet so that sidechain has all the MainNet features. The following steps are:

  1. First of all, it is required to set a gateway contract on the MainNet.
  2. You have to create a sidechain ID based on the contract’s address.
  3. After that, change the node’s information, the genesis block, sidechain ID and others in the Witness configuration files. You can customize the information by yourself.
  4. Now, you need to launch your Genesis Witness node group to develop your sidechain.
  5. Again, you have to set a gateway contract, but for the sidechain.
  6. To enable the cross-chain interaction, start the oracle nodes and other event service configurations.
  7. Now, submit Genesis Witness nodes and change the sidechain gateway contract address.
  8. After that, send some tokens to the sidechain and main chain Oracle address to ensure the cross-chain interaction.
  9. Now, set parameters including fees of the main chain as well as sidechain contracts.
  10. Submit Genesis witness nodes and start the sidechain transaction fee switch.

Following these steps, the deployer can make their sidechain and safely transfer assets between the main chain and sidechain.

dApp Network TRON (TRX)