TronChain - High yield, highly sustainable, ROI smart contract.

Before we begin, please note that I am not a financial advisor and nothing I say here or in any other post on my Blog constitute as financial advice.

Please consult your financial consultant and do your own due diligence before participating in anything that  I say.

This is merely a sharing platform for educational purposes only.


What is Tron Chain?

Tron Chain is a smart contract build on the Tron Blockchain that is designed to pay you back 1 percent daily until 310% of your initial deposit has been credited to you. 

Tron Chain is a highly sustainable platform as it attracts more and more crowd to it everyday. The contract balance is growing daily and is currently sitting at 800 million Tron... 

Is Tron Chain an MLM?

Yea I would label it as such, because it has a referral reward programme that is that is multi layered, you can receive referral rewards for up to 15 tiers.

How is it sustainable?

TronChain pays only 1 percent per day and therefore has all the time in the world to accumulate new users to the platform.

It's 15 tier referral reward programme only assist you to achieve your 310% ROI+profit instead of 310 days (Because normally it's 1 percent per day).

Is Tron Chain safe??

Everything in crypto is risk, therefore do not invest more than you can lose...

That being said, here are a few reasons why it is safe. 

1. It's contract is open source and has been audited by a group of devs and no exit scam codes were found.

Please note this are not professional auditors that are paid to audit, but they are codes and developers and are well verse with solidity and competent enough to detect blatant scams... so far none is found for Tron Chain.

What does it mean to have a no exit code open source contract...

It means even if the developer were to go missing today and he took down the front end of the website, we can still interact with the smart contract via tronscan and get our money back...

This is the beauty of block chain, once contract has been deployed the developer's presence is optional... and because there are no exit scam codes, the developer could not cash out and run away with our funds. The is the trustlessness and immutability demonstrated by blockchain.

2. Contract balance growing daily.

This is a health indicator, as ROI contract generally wither and die when the interest around it is slowing waning.

Therefore a growing balance is an indicator that the contract would not die anytime soon, so plenty of time for you to ROI.

Interested to Join???

Read on ahead...

Picture source (Tron Chain website)

This is the front end UI of the smart contract. As you can see the contract balance is 25 million dollars and growing.

Each wallet address is only able to initiate the smart contract once and you will need to let it run full course and receive your 310% before renewing the smart contract either by investing the same amount again or a higher amount (you can't invest a lower amount)

This is statistics of the smart contract, it shows the total TRX deposits of all time which is 3.5 billion TRX, the current balance which is 849 million, the amount already withdrawn by members, the daily pool amount, the countdown timer and maximum amount of contract signed up today for the Top Referrer.

Here you can see your personal statistic, which is the amount you deposited and maximum amount you can get back in return.

As you know you get 1 percent daily, but there are also extra rewards that allow you to withdraw more amounts of trx in a day thus reducing the total days required to get back the full 310%.

Amng them are direct referral income, anybody that signs under you directly will award you a 10% of their deposit amount (eg: they deposited 10000 TRX, you get 1000 TRX). Next would be matching bonus, this is the amount of TRX your downline withdraws, you will get a matching bonus of that.

It can go down to as deep as 15 tiers with the following rates ( 1st generation 30%, 2nd to 5th generation 10%, 6th to 10th generation 8%, 11th to 15th generation 5%). Please do note that to get matching bonus up till 15 tiers deep, you will need to have an organisation of 15 direct referrals (1st generation). 

An alternative would be to just create 15 additional wallets and fund them with 100 TRX with your main account as the referrer so that you can get the full matching bonus.

And finally this is the section which has information of your total organisation.

Now if you are interested to participate you would need to get a few things ready first.

1. A TRC20 wallet

2. TRX

3. Energy and bandwidth

TRC20 Wallet

What is a TRC20 wallet

It is a wallet that allows you to interact with the Tron Blockchain and Dapps that run on this blockchain.

This is the wallet that you use to interact with the Tron Chain smart contract and store your TRX (main currency of the Tron Blockchain).

Apps that you can use as your TRC 20 wallet

TronLink (for PC)

Google Tronlink and click this one with the chinese characters (Hanzi).

This will prompt you to

Add this to your chrome browser.

Click the pointy diamond icon at the top right corner of your browser

It will bring you to this page.

Then now you can create as much wallets as you want.

I'll create 3 wallets first, one for my main account and 2 more for my self referred account. (I'll get into this part on my next blogpost about Tron Chain earning strategy).

After clicking create and typing a name for your account (Eg: TronChain Main account). Make sure to write down the 12 seed words/phrase. This is important to retrieve your wallet and funds in it in case anything happens to your computer. Because your seed phrase helps to retrieve your private key.

Never share it with anyone (as you can't change it, once account is compromised, your funds are as good as gone).

Ok, now that we have our accounts, we need to fund them with TRX...

How do we get it???

Well I get TRX from BINANCE and then transfer them to my main wallet. I leave this entirely up to you about how to get your TRX to fund your smart contract. I might make a short tutorial about how to get from Binance in the near future...

Energy and Bandwidth

Now to interact with smart contracts, essentially you will need Tron Energy and bandwidth. Each account comes with free 5000 bandwidths a day as long as it has been activated by sending at least 1 TRX in there.

Energy on the other hand is an entirely different matter.

Now you can get energy by Freezing your TRX, which will also give you voting power which you can delegate to super delegators that maintain the blockchain (not recommended as the funds is now out of your usage), or you can rent energy from tronlending.

To do that, simply go to this website

Then just link your wallet with it by clicking this.


After your wallet is linked, you will be in the homepage, where you can view your energy and bandwidth.


After clicking rent, it will bring you to this website

Renting energy is the economical version than just burning trx per transaction, this is because to interact with this smart contract. Each time it takes around 130k to 250k energy. Before this 1 energy was just 0.00001 TRX (so 100k energy would burn only 1TRX, but recently they have increase this consumption to 0.00004 TRX per energy (so 100k energy would burn 4 TRX).

So by paying in advance in Tron lending we could actually save alot in energy. 

The minimum amount of days to rent would be 3 days, as for the rental amount I would suggest borrowing equivalent to locking 8000 TRX, as this will net you 292347 energy which is more than enough to interact with the contract without burning any TRX.

You can rent by keying in the desire amount and days and clicking the pay button.

Now that is done and the energy is in your wallet (give it a couple of minutes to hours to appear in your wallet) we can interact with the contact.

Interaction with the contract

Now we have TRX and energy+bandwidth in our account let us begin the process of funding our smart contract by clicking this link

It will bring you to the following page.


So as you can see I will fund my Tronchain account with assets with my first wallet (highlighted with the black circle in the figure below).

I leave the amount entirely up to you but I would recommend a figure of 10000 TRX (as of this writing it is about 300 USD)

This is part of my asset growth strategy which I will cover in detail on the next blog post.


*Note that, you can only fund one smart contract with one wallet... Hence if you chose to fund it with 1000 there is no way to add additional funds to it until the contract has run it's full course in 310 days (assuming this account is stand alone with no referral bonuses). So u will get 3100 in return and only after that can you renew the contract with equivalent of higher amounts to continue the smart contracts.*

Once you have successfully joined the platform with this link (

You will be able to see some new information on your statistics.

Mainly, your address will be available on the platform and your income limit with be 3.1 times more than the amount you invested.

And there you have it you have successfully participated in this platform and will get your funds back (1 percent per day) in 100 days and another 210 days of profit. *Assuming you only had this account and did not follow my earning strategy or referred anyone*

I will elaborate about my earning strategy in my next blog, stay tune and peace out...