Tracking my (small) passive income crypto portfolio - March 28, 2022 (about 1 month performance)

About two months ago I started tracking my very small portfolio of two tokens/coins, Steem and Pancakeswap, which I am holding for passive return. Number of token/coins increases as time passes as I am receiving coins/tokens from 'delegation' or 'pool' return. There may be other great tokens providing high yields but for now I am staying with these two.

(My past post:

*For your information, as you can tell from the small size of my portfolio, I am not a professional investment advisor and not providing any investment advice. If you need an advice for your investment please consult your professional investment advisor :)

My current positions

Steem: 111.364 (Last time:108.917, 2.24% increase / Jan 29: 105.794)

Since Steemit is a blogging platform, I receive not only regular return from delegation but also payout for the posts I write when upvoted(like getting tips from Publish0x). Increase of Steem were from the delegation rewards, witness voting rewards and upvotes I got, but rewards from upvote were not much since I was not diligent enough to post for a month.

 Pancakeswap: 20.48 (Reset tracking)

I am holding Pancakeswap in 'Auto CAKE' pool. This pool takes part of investment return(2%) as performance fee, but I like it more than 'Manual CAKE' pool since I don't have to keep harvesting and restaking by myself. Recently I increased my exposure to this one so I started tracking again from this point.

Photo by Castorly Stock