Touching 15K LP mark!

Finally one my big targets (till the next one) is ready to accomplished, from the first day i had in my mind that mark, the 15k leo power mark. Now that I'm about to achieve that i feel that is just a small step (greedy;) and that i could be done better (mostly because i lost some opportunities to buy more leo cheap), anyways a milestone is a milestone and since i had set that as a "must" is very important for me.

I have also one more reason to be happy and that's my hive's account growth, along with leo my Hive account also grew a lot, i have now something less than 2.2k without selling any single leo for it, very very nice!

If you are posting about any kind of financial stuff and you don't post through @leofinance yet, what can i say;

Originally Posted Using LeoFinance