Top 3 Moonriver DeFi Platforms

DeFi stands for decentralized finance. The first decentralized finance platforms have launched on Ethereum blockchain few years ago. Now, DeFi platforms are built and operate on more than 10 blockchain networks. Today, we are going to take a look at the top performers, built or operating on Moonriver network.

#3 Huckleberry

Community-driven AMM, where users can:

  • - buy and sell crypto tokens
  • Provide liquidity - users can provide liquidity and earn percentage of the trading fees
  • Lend & Borrow - users can lend their crypto assets and use them as collateral for eventual borrowings

Supported blockchains:

#2 RomeDAO

Platform, built for the community, where users can:

  • - buy and sell crypto tokens

Supported blockchains:

#1 Solarbeam

Native AMM for Moonriver, where users can:

  • - buy and sell crypto tokens
  • Provide liquidity - users can provide liquidity and earn percentage of the trading fees
  • - users can stake veSOLAR and earn high APR rewards

Supported blockchains: