To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation (Daily Ramblings)

They say that we have a purpose in life, a mission, and that finding it will give your life a sense and a direction. Well, they say that, all the greatest philosophers and such. But this may not be entirely true. At least this is how I feel. After all this uncertainty, Covid, economic disaster, and multiple ends of the world as we know it, I am growing weary.

It is not that I lack motivation, but somehow, quite often, I am tired of everything. I got a few unlucky events, with 110 LUNA lost on their crash, and some decent amounts of ETH and BTC staked on Celsius. I am pretty disappointed with the crypto-world as it is right now. Add to this a minor hack on my metamask, taking almost 1000 UMA. HIVE ecosystem is still a place I enjoy, but I am quite wary of any new project now, and I stopped to believe in new opportunities. I would rather sit down and read a book, or watch the clouds in the sky in the afternoon.

I was told that this is how burnout looks, and maybe it is right. I am seriously thinking to check my portfolio once per month, doing the deeds, and keeping living. Staying away from all the temptations found in the cryptosphere. Thinking about it. Seems doable. We will see.

Until then...

All the best,

Why not...

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