Title: Real–World Health Data Goes Web3 For Millions Of Users

Web3 has taken several industries by storm, and the healthcare industry is not excluded. Until now, an actual use case that benefits people's everyday lives did not exist. After all, no one has direct control over their healthcare records. 

But many people these days monitor how often they go out for that morning jog, what they eat, and how well they sleep. The use of wearables and IoT devices for that purpose is increasingly popular and will continue to be for many years. HealthBlocks is a new dApp that aims to rethink how people use that data and even rewards them for making healthy lifestyle choices using Web3 technology.

A team of healthcare experts founded HealthBlocks to explore the intersection between preventative health and Web3 technology. They built HealthBlocks on IoTeX, which connects smart devices to their blockchain to give users ownership and control over their data.

The HealthBlocks app makes it incredibly simple to connect fitness wearables and digital asset wallets to start earning tokens for their participation. The app will reward users for committing to healthy habits every day through exercise, meditation, and contributing to global health surveys. 

With HEALTH tokens, users can purchase various health services, including telemedicine consultations and an AI solution that suggests how users can improve their wellbeing based on their health data.

Disrupting Web2 Healthcare

Blockchain technology can dramatically change how people worldwide optimize healthcare services, from consultation to payment of services and prescriptions. It helps in digitizing health information, then making it publicly available in an anonymized format. Incorporating Web3 into preventative healthcare will make people's health data more secure while helping them achieve healthier lifestyles.

HealthBlocks improves how data is collected in the healthcare system from sources as diverse as quality surveys and symptom descriptions. The details collected using HealthBlocks-compatible devices are kept and arranged in a system of records similar to EHRs (Electronic health records), EMRs (Electronic medical records), and practice management systems that allow easy retrieval and classification.

"Preventative health doesn't happen in a hospital or doctor's office; it's embedded in our daily life and the choices that we make on a daily basis. As individuals, we can take measures into our hands assisted by smart devices with cutting-edge sensors and decentralized applications that give us control of our health data and give back to us the power to decide how to monetize our personal information." - HealthBlocks

With the different types of data being contributed with HealthBlocks, various intelligent systems are placed to create a system of links between different symptoms, provide an accurate diagnosis, and provide appropriate treatment recommendations to people.

Health in Web3 (Health 3.0), Redefining Health Data

By broadening self-management and preventive healthcare for individuals, HealthBlock's goal is to extend life expectancy and enhance the quality of life for people across global communities.

Most Web2 healthcare activities are complex, multi-party, expensive, fraud-prone, and do not embrace the technological innovation so desperately required to create a healthy society. A lack of trust in the healthcare system can cause a surge in illness across the population due to the avoidance of healthcare systems.

HealthBlocks helps customize social networking resources by connecting users to other users via various recommendations. The virtual communities created by HealthBlocks provide real-time resources for attaining health-related knowledge and counseling.

People can get reassurance, support, and validation from others via social networking. This can also be called "digital healing," one of the primary goals of Health 3.0. It also assists health professional-to-patient communication to improve acceptance and understanding to provide the best therapeutic options.

HealthBlocks is leading the charge from Web2 to Web3 healthcare. As Web3 adoption continues to hit the masses, HealthBlocks will offer millions of users the opportunity to improve their real-world activities. By rewarding users for adopting healthier habits, people worldwide could see a global effect of improved health across communities.