Titano Finance. The next big thing?

In the past days I found out on reddit different people talking about a new crypto project: Titano Finance. 

They were talking about this token, TITANO, which had something incredible. Fixed APY 102000% with auto-staking. 

This has immediately caught my attention, so I have decided to dig deeper into the project. 

This is the official website of the project:

Titano Finance official website

And this is the official Telegram community:

Titano Finance Telegram community

The token is based on auto-staking, in fact, just by depositing them into a wallet, you start earning around 0.3% of the token deposited every half an hour. Currently, the tested wallets are Metamask, Trust Wallet and COINBASE wallet.

The daily percentage is around 1.899%,which automatically compounds on the existing tokens, generating an APY of 102483.58% yearly.

The auto-staking is based on positive rebases, as I was saying, every 30 minutes and the token has an elastic supply, potentially becoming infinite.

The rebases are sustained through the buy and sell taxes, which are respectively 13% and 18%, which might seem quite a lot, but recoverable in very short time, thanks to the staking. Moreover, there is a liquidity pool of around 80%, which is locked in a third party account, and a burn reserve made up by tokens that are burned weekly. 

The project is still in its initial phase, so the audits are still ongoing, especially Certik's audit, which is at 85%. Solidity audit has been passed.

Future plans concern creating P.L.A.Y., an ecosystem based on a game, which allows user to gain even more tokens, and does not burn existing holder's tokens. 

In a week, I personally gained around 20% of the tokens initially invested, and the community is growing faster, with current 24000 holders.