ThunderSatArcade (Beta Release) - A play-to-earn gaming platform built on the Bitcoin Lightning Network

Greetings! Today, I will be announcing my latest project I have been working on for the past few weeks called ThunderSatArcade, a play-to-earn gaming platform built on the Bitcoin Lightning Network!

Introduction Story:

For a long time, I had my dream of creating my own play-to-earn project. I certainly had the want and skills to create one, however, I never gained the confidence or time to do so. Furthermore, I knew that creating a whole play-to-earn game along with full-on tokenomics and smart contracts would never be possible for a one-man team (To develop, manage, maintain, and design). However, a few weeks ago, the thought of using the Bitcoin Lightning Network to create a smaller-scale play-to-earn game crossed my mind after around two years of using Bitcoin Lightning. 

Personally, I've been using the Bitcoin Lightning network in various games in the past (The most recent (and popular one) I was in was Satlantis, which unfortunately shut down recently). The thing that shocked me most of all was how fast, cheap, and efficient it was for small payments. Additionally, utilizing Bitcoin Lighting was also very easy (With wallets such as Wallet of Satoshi).

That's when I realized, rather than using a Ethereum-based blockchain (Such as Polygon) to create my own token and systems, I could use the Bitcoin Lightning Network instead. The Bitcoin Lightning Network already had Bitcoin as their cryptocurrency and is popular for micropayments (Which is perfect for this game, as I didn't need to worry about creating my own token or developing any smart contracts).

After I realized that I could use the Bitcoin Lightning Network, I began working on the early version of a Bitcoin Lightning Gaming platform that I am presenting here today.

Intro to ThunderSatArcade:

ThunderSatArcade is an online "arcade" type gaming platform that will in the future house many games (So far, only has one). Each game has their own leaderboard and prize pool. After the end of every season (1 Week), the top 9 players on the leaderboard will be rewarded.

Usually, players would have to pay a small amount of sats for a "Season Play Pass" for each respective game, however, since this game is in beta, I will be allowing players to play for free (Right now, its FREE (It might prompt you to open up Mash wallet, however, once you sign up, you will use up your 1 freebie). Currently, the prizepool for the current game (Blockchain Bug Hunters) is 2500 sats and will increase by 15 sats per account that joins in for free. 

Blockchain Bug Hunters:

Blockchain Bug Hunters is a game where you are in a mining room and you constantly have to repair the miners to make them operational. You have 5 seconds to repair per un-operational miner, or else you will lose. The time of how long you lasted will be the score that will be added on the leaderboard. 


Currently, all withdrawals (The minimum is 1 sat) are fully functional and the funds you want to withdraw will be deposited into your Bitcoin Lightning network LNURL (Please provide your correct LNURL or your funds might be lost forever) and should take around 48 hours to process. The withdrawals are manual for obvious reasons (To prevent exploiters withdrawing heavy amounts of sats, fraud, and to (potentially) restore lost funds caused by inputting the wrong LNURL. 

If you are interested in trying this game out, please go to this link: ThunderSatArcade to try it out (Right now, its FREE (It might prompt you to open up Mash wallet, however, once you sign up, you will use up your 1 freebie).

Also, if you caught any bugs or have any suggestions please put them in the comments below.

Thank you and have a good day!