This The Best Hardware Wallet For Crypto And All Your Digital Assets

Not your keys, not your crypto

The most famous words echoed around the cryptoverse by long-timers to this space. And they remain true to this very day!

The bottom line has always been if you don't have the private keys to your crypto then it's not your crypto. Anything that sits in a hot wallet or an exchange is vulnerable to scams and attacks. This is why cold storage wallets are the way to go my friends. For the uninitiated, let's clarify what we mean by hot and cold storage ??

There are two types of storage options for crypto wallets, depending on preference: "hot" storage and "cold" storage. Hot storage is an app or platform that is connected to the internet, while cold storage is stored offline, often through a physical device such as a thumb drive. While both hot and cold storage systems offer individuals access to their digital funds, they differ in user experience and security levels.

From CoinDesk Learn

If you plan to be in the cryptoverse for a long time, then a cold storage solution is probably what you're looking for if you want to avoid any nasty future situations. But, with so many options on the market, what is the best your money can buy? Instead of doing a massive list of options for you, I'm just going to recommend one company and its two products.

Enter Ledger

Based out of Paris in France, started life back in 2014 by a group of people with backgrounds in both security and cryptocurrencies. Looking to create a truly secure solution for blockchain applications, the team created have created a number of their now famous LEDGER hardware wallet lines.

With over 5 million devices sold and clients from over 200 countries, Ledger's popularity in the industry is unrivalled.

They offer two products from their current lineup to protect your precious assets. The Nano S Plus for entry-level and the best for beginners. And, the , the flagship device equipped with all the best stuff to secure your assets.

The Nano S is the cheaper of the two products and doesn’t support bluetooth connectivity, storage for up to 100 apps or a larger screen likes its big brother.

The Nano S Plus ($79) would be best for newbies on a budget but if you can afford it, the Nano X ($130) really is in a league of its own.

Here's how they stack up:

Nano S Plus

  • Enough memory to install up to 100 apps
  • Store and manage your NFT's
  • Access to Ledger Live for DeFi apps, NFTs and more
  • EAL5+ security certificate
  • Compatible with 64-bits desktop computer (Windows 8+, macOS 10.8+, Linux) excluding ARM Processors. Also compatible with smartphones Android 7+ only.
  • Enough memory to install up to 100 apps
  • Store and manage your NFT's
  • Access to Ledger Live for DeFi apps, NFTs and more
  • EAL5+ security certificate
  • Bluetooth connectivity
  • Larger screen
  • Compatible with 64-bits desktop computer (Windows 8.1+, macOS 10.14+, Linux) excluding ARM Processors. Please note that our devices and the Ledger Live App are not compatible with Chromebooks. Also compatible with smartphones (iOS 13+ or Android 7+)

And, you'll be happy to know that both support integrations with many of the Web3 wallets you know and love including Metamask, Phantom and more.

You can't go wrong with either one in securing your assets. Hope this helps you keep your assets safe and remember friends, not your keys, not your crypto.