Theta Guardian Node requirements LOWERED now on 1000 Theta!

Theta Guardian Node requirements LOWERED now on 1000 Theta!


Today THETA rocked the Crypto world by lowering the requirement for a Theta Guardian Node from 10,000 Tokens to only 1,000 Tokens.  So, if you were locked out of having your own Theta Guardian Node due to capital investment costs to purchase the 10,000 Theta, now it should be much more affordable.

Let's do some quick math based upon yesterday's Theta Value at 4pm and today at 2:30

Theta was trading at $0.6375 so if you needed 10K Theta you needed $6,375 to have enough Theta to run your own Theta Guardian Node.

Today Theta is trading at $65.35 so today you only need $653.50 to purchase enough Theta to run your own Theta Guardian Node.

Which is better?  

My 2 cents and from a cost perspective the 1000 requirement and you can earn TFUEL by running your own Theta Guardian Node. Seems like a win-win situation. 


How to run your own Guardian node? Go to and then click on the applet for Join Today and then download your specific OS image and run your own Guardian Node.


Summary - lower cost of entry to run run your own Theta Guardian Node.   What are you waiting for?  The Future is here, join up now.


Disclaimer - I am not an Employee nor Agent of Theta just someone that is excited in the technology and this is NOT investment advice!