The season ended earlier this week so it's time to view how my rewards ended up again

The season ended earlier this week so it's time to view how my rewards ended up again. I was in gold rank for the entire season because I ended the previous season in the Champion league. I really didn't like the previous season because I ended up with more losses than wins. Overall, I got fewer chests but I did get better luck with chaos legion packs. While I could end the season in the Champion league, I did not do so and decided not to advance at the end of the season.

Season Rewards

I was comparing the rewards but it looks like I did get less in fiat value compared to the previous season, but it looks like I got 2 chaos legion packs again but I didn't have as much luck with the card drops. I didn't even get a rare card and it was just some common foil cards. I got the usual potions,  too. That is the expected result since I did get fewer chests overall.

One thing to note was that I did get an extra 2 packs from the daily focus soon after I collected my season rewards. It's also nice to see that you can keep track of your battle rewards now.

Gladius Packs

It's only 1 pack this time but I was close to getting that 2nd pack. Nothing great from my pack openings but it's still better to have these cards available for brawl. From what I have seen, I think my guild has also decided to stick to 2 star brawls due to the SPS rewards. I just think the merits and SPS makes advancing the league worth it.

It looks like I was winning more SPS in gold rather than sticking it out in Silver. So it makes me wonder whether or not I should just deal with losing more just for the higher ranked chests and SPS rewards. Overall, the brawls are giving a decent amount to my seasonal SPS earnings.

My LP rewarded me around 90 SPS, and like last month, I decided to just stake all of my SPS because of the GLX airdrop. I also bought some CLP tokens using some of the profits for the sales going on with Chaos Legion packs. I will be getting some promo cards and more details about it can be found in this post. It's a bit too bad that the liquidity pools are no longer paying out DEC though but having more SPS isn't such a bad thing either.


Overall, I still don't think it's that bad of a season and I also got lucky with some better luck in chests due to the improved quality (higher league). However, it was stressful and I didn't like fighting through the season at all. It does come with increased battle rewards (SPS) and I did the same as last time when I staked all of my earned SPS. My profits being taken were from the GLX airdrop and some of that was also re-invested back into the CLP token for the SPLINTERLANDS Holiday sales. It also looks like those chaos legion packs are being burned daily and I just wonder how much will be left.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.