The $RMRK token is the first Kusama Statemine token to be tradable on CEXes

Zug, 29 Sept – The RMRK Association announces that the $RMRK token, the utility and governance token of the most advanced NFT protocol created to date, is now available for purchase on KUCOIN and Gate.

This is the very first Statemine fungible token to be available for trading globally. Statemine is a public-good parachain on the Kusama network, Polkadot’s canary network, designed to be the canonical balance-keeper of thousands of different fungible and non-fungible tokens. RMRK is the first such token to become globally tradable through CEXes.

Some of $RMRK’s many utilities include:

  • a metaverse currency
  • staking to mine resources in a Play to Earn metaverse
  • sponsorship to go carbon-negative during the minting of NFTs
  • governance of platform parameters like fees, commissions, stakelocks and more
  • curation and verification of fellow artists on the flagship marketplace Singular
  • collateral in DeFi
  • and more…

The token was given away in a fairdrop to buyers of NFTs during April’s and May’s NFT sale, and is 89% in the hands of the community.

With the team keeping only 5% for 2 years and all other holders being unlocked on day 1, RMRK is one of the most egalitarian token distributions to date.