The reason AvaCougar chooses Avalanche network as a development destination

CougarSwap has witnessed an interesting movement through the development of the whole ecosystems in the DeFi market receiving great attention from the community after Cougar on Polygon, Fantom, Harmony was successfully launched and the time is right Avalanche Cougar.

Avalanche is a great potential and growing ecosystem. We can easily see that because AVAX price has been continuously crossing its peak recently. Acknowledging that trend, Cougar Ecosystem launches a new chain on Avalanche called AvaCougar as the 5th chain in the CougarEcosystem, AvaCougar has made good use of all the incentives left by its predecessor system with a large number of available users, having experienced the perfection of previous chains, users with complete confidence can invest in AvaxCougar without worrying about risk or or being lack of trust. Along with that is the outstanding development of the Avalanche ecosystem in recent times when continuously investing more than $400 million to develop DeFi, it is certain that the Avalanche ecosystem in general and AvaCougar in particular will attract more customers as many investors are interested in. Another thing should be mentioned is that Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange recently supported the Avalanche network upgrade, now users can easily deposit and withdraw AVAX tokens to join DeFi projects. In addition, Avalanche Labs also launched 2 consecutive investment packages worth 180 million and 220 million respectively to stimulate Defi's outstanding development during that time.

This could be said as a huge support from the native Avalanche ecosystem along with the addition of Vaults will be launched at the end of November which is an outstanding feature after AvaCougar is introduced to the ecosystem helping users to automatically maximize the annual profit rate of their affiliates investment on Cougar Ecosystem. Profits generated from normal investments will be reinvested to generate compound interest with a large margin, in addition, you will also receive an additional $CGSV token as a reward for participating in the Vaults system. That is one great solution on how CougarSap brings benefits and convenience to users while many other DeFi networks might not.

Above all AvaCougar was created to give users the best Defi experience on the Avalanche chain and to extend the current strong Cougar Ecosystem. The ambition will certainly create breakthroughs and AvaCougar will be the one of the most development focused-platforms in the whole Cougar system.