The Race For Crypto & Bitcoin Accumulation

Bitcoin has been an extremely influencial financial aspect of everyone's lives in these recent years. Apart from stock traders still trading stocks, Quite a few people have moved over and have created an extremely bullish atmosphere. This has obviously assisted in adoption by a ton as everyone feels a lot more comfortable entering the market for cryptocurrencies. The race for adoption of cryptocurrencies has now become institutionalized and has become a race not only for institutions of value and finance, but for governments as well. There are plenty of government backdoors that are responsible for major fluctuations in cryptocurrency pricings; not to mention an absolute ton of chinese billionaires forming a group which had been responsible for pumping shitcoins back in 2019-2021. I don't remember the token, but I do remember seeing a sudden increase of about 50 million dollars within minutes in a token that had reached the top 250 tokens on coinmarketcap. It was around 5,000x for that specific token - and surprisingly enough, everyone did not sell off until it reached 6,500x from it's original 48h value. I remember talking to a dude in the community discord that turned 1.4$ into 8,100$ and hadn't sold until it reached a value of 5,300$ which is mindblowing in of itself. I believe he ended up staking the whole thing and I talked to him just for this blog, he staked it in a few risky tokens he found online and turned that 8k$ into precisely twenty seven thousand dollars. You'd be surprised how many people like this exist. I also talked to a dude who lost a 1,200$ investment into the same token once it went to 0 a week later. Luckily enough it was an amount he was comfortable losing, but it shows that survivor biases can sometimes trick us up. Regardless, the dude that turned eight thousand dollars into twenty seven thousand did so through tokens that promised 300% APYs, he held tokens like these for a maximum of 90 days. Some of them lost half their value, but he still ended up on top with a comfortable 30%-40% profit at the end of the locked staking period. He made sure to only invest into FIXED APY RETURNS and not hidden variable staking tokens..if it's variable, they can suddenly make it 1% a year and you're now stuck holding their token while they dump the living fu** out of your wallet. The highest loss he'd made was in a token that went down 92%. He only made 800% returns which covered a decent amount of his losses but still wasn't enough to enter a winning position.  He lossed roughly 3,000$ on a 8000$ staking investment. Wasn't the worst in comparison to redditors, but it was his biggest loss. He says you can only duplicate his strategy when you've got atleast 1,000$ or else it's meaningless. and that with his 8k, he had hit the jackpot. FYI, it took 2 years to get to 27,000$, roughly 3x, or 150% a year.  It's pretty stunning, but we've got to get back to the central point of this blogpost/article. INSTITUTIONS want to control the crypto space. They're realizing it's the same as the banking industry, but it's decentralized, so the best they can do is threaten holders with a price dump. In which case (if they ever do), everyone will dump before they get a chance to...leading to them eventually losing their investment before they can even sell. Since everyone's selling..and not buying. Pure market supply and demand in play in this hypothetical but dangerously realistic scenario. It's a race to a finish line that doesn't exist.It's going to create such an atmosphere where only the richest thrive and everyone else is stuck finding small cap tokens they can dominate as whales.This already exists with small projects that attain marketcaps of 1-2m dollars - they're usually approached by individuals that have 300,000 dollars to 900,000. These are your casual millionaires with nothing else to do. They're usually not from the U.S and have a predator-like stance to finances. It usually gives them alot of power, and usually, alot of profit too. I've seen whales responsible for about 50% of a project's growth. It's a bit like forced management. I now own your project whether you like it or not - sorta thing. To be fair, they usually have connections in the social media space, and i've talked to a dude worth 2.3mil on video call - what he did was forcibly buy up 10-20% of a token, and then go to the project founder and strike up a conversation. They talk to them real nice and make sure they're comfortable with their abundance of resources. Then they usually give the project founder a tiny little roadmap of their own and the owner has to adhere to that roadmap or else he dumps. The roadmap includes basic things like mass promotion to ride the token price up in which case the big man that owns twenty percent would then sell at a huge profit. He doesn't really like doing more than 12% due to most project liquidity issues. He's usually able to pocket a 20-50% gain within several weeks on roughly 250,000$ on projects with 10 million mcaps and sometimes even does it to projects with 25m mcaps. He says crypto is all about exposure and that's it's really simple to pump a token if you're willing to spend 5,000-10,000 dollars on promotion. Most project owners don't do it, so he takes it up to himself.  That's likely what the organisations are going to end up doing to pocket massive profits. Only downside is that you need millions upon millions of dollars to be doing what he's doing.   If it only took 3,000$ to make a crypto project 3 million dollars in mcap (real mcap, not fully diluted), you can likely do much more with 10,000 on a good project.