The Power of Moon

The man has always looked at the moon and yearned for it. That's why when he found pearls by delving deep into the ocean he was happy and gifted it to the one he loved the most. The moon is cool, a manifestation of water and calming as justified by the calming effect of taking a bath. What is about the moon and the human?

Moon lies quite close to us. Given its mass which is significant enough, it pulls the ocean to give us the high and low tides. But, do you think anything is stopping it from affecting you and me? WE are after all 70% percent water. What does the moon then affect? What is that one thing in man that is fluid can go up and down? Our emotions.

If you are into cryptocurrency, then, it would do you well to foray into the mysteries of the moon. Because it is the moon which instills that fear, uncertainty and doubt (courtesy of its waning phase), causing the bear market. It is not by happenstance, the denizens of madhouses were called lunatics (luna pointing to the moon). The trading charts you see for each of the cryptocurrencies are in fact the emotions of the whole human consciousness going up and down. Just like the moon aggregates the water in the ocean to birth the tides. The institutional investors do the same. But, they are in fact not out of the reach of the moon. For nature created us, it will rule supreme. Despite a lot of people thinking that they can manipulate the system, it has always managed to leave them flabbergasted. The reason being simple, you are bounded by the system that creates you.

However, the waning moon comes back shining brightly night by night. So, does the hope of the people. This is what you call the bullish market. People start buying again and again things strike back. Moon has a cycle of 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 3 seconds, quite close to a whole month. And in the same way you look at charts going up and down. It is a cycle and you need to follow it.

What can you learn from this?

The moon is going come up and go down, and so are your emotions. But, even if the moon pulls the oceans to create tides, some water in the ocean is remain still. Some water is still silent and patient. The same has to be done by you. Even if everybody follows the rally to the moon, you have to hold tight in the calm ocean and take a wise decision. 

The next time you are taking a cryptocurrency trading decision in haste, remember the moon, remember the tides and remember the calmness of the ocean. Hold your emotions. You will take the best decision, my friend.