The polygon report - iron finance "iron v2" launches ice token - 07-13-2021

-Iron Finance re-launches with ICE token.  

-"Iron V2" secures 1.5billion in TVL in 24 hours and watching the likes of Adamant, Polycat, Polyquity's TLV drain by as much as 50%, it's clear that the polygon network has been waiting for Iron V2 relaunch.

-Investor Alameda (who recently had some controversy with Adamant) had confirmed that they move a hefty sum of investment into IRON V2

-Governance staking will being July 15th. Ice Token will be able to be staked for blueICE. blueICE will be able to be locked for 7 days to 3 years to earn USDC. 


-FISH begins to stabilize at $6.85 after a massive sell off.

-CRYSTL sees big dip to $.88.

-Polyquity prices hold at $.35 (PYQ) and $1.06 (PUSD) as TVL disappears into IRON V2

-Mai Finance holds up more than any other tokens on the Polygon network but QI still dipped to $1.5 before coming back to $1.75 and while MAI rides just below $1.

-YELD falls to $120 but still outperforms the polygon network and overall crypto market.


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