The next Generation Social Network Site : uhive (Earn up to 100000 token )

Uhive is the social networking site where an user can post their content in particular specified space. It is somehow the combination of all other social networking site like Facebook, twitter,instagram,tiktok as in figure below:

Since, Uhive beta launch there is more than 300000 user . User can create their own space in particular field of their interest .Then user can post the particular post on specified space. As per official, uhive space will be tradable in coming days.

Uhive is ERC20 token based on Ethereum blockchain.

User can earn up to 100000 token based on their engagement like posting content, time spend , sharing content. 

Current value of 1 token = $0.003

Date to be listed on various exchange : 31st March,2021

User can get reward of 300 uhive token on sign in using this link.

The road map for uhive development is in this link.