The monday mission >> from >> play to win >> (round 158)

Weekly Challenge from 

?? Round 158 ??

Welcome to Monday, buzzketeers!

DBuzz is a platform with a vibrant and diverse community spanning the globe. From the snowy landscapes of the North to the sunny beaches of the South, from the bustling cities in the East to the tranquil villages in the West, our community of buzzketeers is buzzing with stories every day.

One of the incredible aspects of our community is the varied cultural backgrounds we bring to the table. We come from different cities, towns, and villages, each with its own unique charm. And what makes it even more exciting is that we all have different holidays and events that we cherish and celebrate.

From well-known celebrations like Christmas to lesser-known festivities like "el Caganer", the world is filled with fascinating and fun-filled holidays. Today, we want to explore the holidays that are a little off the beaten path. We want to hear from you about the most unique holiday that holds a special place in your heart.

In a DBuzz post, let us know which holiday you find the most captivating and love participating in! Is it a local festival, a traditional ceremony, or perhaps an event specific to your community? Share with us the vibrancy and richness of your unique holiday experience. We can't wait to learn and celebrate with you!

Last week, in our efforts to promote sustainability and reduce plastic waste, we challenged our community members to go one day without using a plastic bag. We're thrilled to announce that  emerged as the winner of the challenge! Congratulations, and thank you for taking steps to clean up the plastic mess, and create a cleaner and greener environment in your community. Together, we can truly make a difference!

We'd like to extend our gratitude to all the buzzketeers who continue to amaze us with their creativity, vibrant stories, and engagement within our community. Your contributions make DBuzz a hub of inspiration and connection. Let's keep the energy alive, and continue to share, learn, and grow together.

Thank you for being a part of our thriving community. Keep spreading the joy, keep buzzing with passion, and we'll see you soon with more exciting ventures and challenges. Stay amazing, buzzketeers!

Strand holidays.

Summary of challenge

At some point in the next six days…

  • Post a buzz and tell us about what your favorite lesser-known holiday or local festival is!
  • Hashtag that post with #DBuzzFavoriteHoliday
  • Post a link to the buzz below.
  • Share this article on Twitter for an extra high-five from us! ;)

Thank You

Last week's winner was: 

You can view their post here :

  • After seven days (the following Monday, at some point), we will select a winner from all valid entries.
  • We will then make an announcement post on Monday and tag you.
  • The prize will be sent to the winner soon after the winner is announced.
  • No follow or upvote is required to join.

What is the prize?

You will be added as a 50% beneficiary to the post where you are announced as a winner! So if you won in the challenge last week, you are added as a 50% beneficiary to this post and will get paid next week! WOOT

Thank you for playing!

Questions? Concerns? Comments?

Just comment below.

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