The Future of Real Estate

Outdated State of Affairs

Real estate websites are obsolete and fragmented. They scream Web 1.0 or, in a few exceptional cases, 2.0. There are online searches and manual transactions, with minimal or no property management tools for after the sale. Traditional home search engines allow you to search by size, price, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and other factors, but fail to account for important Web 3.0 indicators. Users are deprived of transparency, networking features, interconnection with other platform users, blockchain security, and the ability to pay using cryptocurrency.

Without information and specificity, homebuyers and brokers incur additional costs post closing or are subject to hidden expenses. Due to misaligned incentives between platform providers, real estate professionals, and buyers and sellers, the natural integration of AI and automation into real estate has been artificially suppressed. This wide divide in alignment between stakeholders has born DUGLS.

Out with the Old & In with the New

DUGLS is the world’s first true real estate marketplace. DUGLS provides an End-to-End, comprehensive supply chain platform – a true marketplace for buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals to network, search, transact, manage their assets, and expand their organizations. DUGLS reinvents the online real estate experience with blockchain-based transparency and decentralized governance, creating a genuinely web 3.0 environment.

Buyers have access to all relevant property information and are able to complete a purchase immediately. All modern technologies, AI, and complex neural networks provide fresh data points for consumers, providing them with the most effective decision-making resources. The owners of a property have access to management tools that consolidate and manage the property’s service history, including warranty and service provider records. Before, during, and after a transaction, all relevant tools are available to stakeholders, not only boosting their platform experience but also retaining this important data for many years to come.

The DUGLS token is the beating heart of the DUGLS marketplace and the heart of the DUGLS platform that creates opportunity for all stakeholders. User engaagement, network growth, and new content all earn you DUGLS tokens. In addition, the DUGLS token is a key method of payment on the website. The DUGLS token offers significant discounts on the platform for a wide range of goods and services, as well as cash back when it is used as a payment method for purchasing or renting homes.

With DUGLS’ integrated property management solution called “ownership,” emergency and routine maintenance may be managed quickly and efficiently, broadcasting projects to local service providers. Stakeholders can take advantage of the blockchain’s security and transparency by using the tools available. AI can also be used to uncover latent value in a property through the use of management tools.

The Big Picture

According to Savills, the world’s leading real estate agency, real estate is the most valuable asset class with a value of approximately $326,5 trillion. DUGLS concentrates on the residential side of this market, which accounts for 79 percent of the asset class, or $258 Trillion. A user will be able to search across borders for housing and investments in their local language and preferred fiat or cryptocurrency using DUGLS technologies.

In addition to making payments on the platform, the DUGLS token is utilized to reward users for their network engagement and for providing useful content. This will help DUGLS realize its objective of expanding into a variety of global markets. DUGLS wants to be present in the world’s 100 largest cities by the end of 2025. This is comparable to AirBNB’s launch. DUGLS plans to be in areas with a combined population of 3 billion people by the summer of 2026, placing it in direct competition with existing platforms in those markets. Developing a decentralized platform that is fully transparent and user-friendly.

Using DUGLS, all frictions and inefficiencies in the real estate supply chain are eliminated or regulated, allowing any buyer to purchase any property, anywhere, using any currency, crypto or fiat. To learn more, follow our social media accounts, including , , LinkedIn, Instagram, and , where we provide regular project updates.

The Tokenomics

A decentralized platform which DUGLS Token holders have a stake in its governance. 1 Billion DUGLS tokens minted with slow releases (up to 36 months). Public release at $0.30/ token. 250 million tokens were released over 24 months. Up to 10% of tokens were burned to increase scarcity. Tokens offer discounts on all goods and services on DUGLS drastically increasing token demand. As DUGLS expands to new markets (cities) demand increases exponentially. DUGLS will be in 5 cities by end of 2023. DUGLS will be in the top 100 cities by end of 2025.