The Future of Internet Anonymity, TOR, ATOR and Blockchain Technology

The world is evolving gradually, technology is advancing, the same applicable to all areas of life including what determines our day to day activities.

Blockchain technology has since been a disruptive technology almost in areas of human life, taking away the long-standing era of centralization and central entities.

Anonymity and Privacy hold a major impact in the way we do things and the way we carry out our day today activities including medical, education, social and digital lives.

For many decades, our data and personal information has been used clearly in way we don’t know, we’ve been monitored, and our privacy have been infringed.

The blockchain technology there for offers a decentralized way of doing things, it takes power away from the central authorities and give it to the individual and in history of humanity, blockchain allows us to truly own something without interference of 3rd parties.

The future of anonymity there lies in blockchain technology, one of the most interesting things about blockchain technology is that it protects users’ privacy and make you anonymous although most service providers within the crypto space are able to track identities through the IP addresses.

However, many software companies are racing and coming up with various strategies that aims to make users on the internet remain anonymous and a big example is TOR

TOR relies on the goodwill of the people which isn’t a long-term strategy as people’s goodwill definitely have a limit at which it would climax.

With Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, it is easier, faster, and a better way to create a system that does not rely on people’s goodwill rather rewarding people who are supporting the network, ATOR a crypto software company recognize that TOR relying on people’s goodwill is a timebomb waiting to explode.

With proper incentives, TOR contributors would definitely have another meaning to their respective contributions within the TOR network.

If we combine TOR and Blockchain technology, we have ATOR because ATOR is leveraging on both TOR and Blockchain, how? there are basically 2 devices that do this job.

  1. The router, is a hotspot device that connects to Tor. This is NOT an entry node itself but rather is used to connect to entry nodes in the Tor network

2. The relay, a Tor relay that is preconfigured with the signing capabilities to work with our Proof of Up-time system. Adapted from ATOR Technical Paper.

The proof of uptime system is the rewarder of time based on how many hours relay operators keep the relay running, i.e. the significant number of hours the relay remains actives, the reward part however is powered by blockchain technology, ATOR will incentivize TOR contributors with ATOR token, a token deployed on the Ethereum network.

The incentive does 5 works in my POV.

1. Rewarding the contributors for their work

2. Increasing number of relays, since incentive will definitely draw the attention of people to buying and running relays to contribute to the network

3. Incentives will motivate the contributors to continue contributing and at the same time, they may want to increase their number of relays because the more relay, the more reward.

4. Additional sources of income.

5. Incentives would reduce the chances of compromise

Many traditional ways of incentivizing TOR have failed according to research and according to the ATOR technical paper however, we’re assured that the ATOR blockchain backed means of incentive would surely succeed because of the power of the blockchain to reward without bias, fair distribution and complete decentralized way of rewarding the relay holders.

Why should you join ATOR in this evolution of internet anonymity leveraging on both TOR and Blockchain technology?

1. You’re most likely to make fortune rom being a relay owner who will get incentive for keeping the network and internet users secured.

2. You’re helping thousands of people who would be silenced if internet anonymity is not guaranteed.

3. You’re helping to shape the future of free speech and confidentiality.

4. You’re helping to make sure that yourself and the internet users’ privacy is not eroded.

The future of internet anonymity lies in the power of blockchain disruptive technology and it is super cool to see that ATOR is leveraging on this to make sure that we’re able to preserve the fundamental human rights.

Lastly what are some values of Privacy and Anonymity.

1. Whistles blowers would have the confidence to continue doing their job

2. Free speech is guaranteed

3. Marginalized people all over the world would have the platform to express their concerns

4. Real life harassment would decrease.

5. Personal privacy would not be eroded

We’ll be able to achieve all these values if we are able to maintain anonymity and restore privacy to internet users and I strongly believe that with ATOR approach and the combination of both TOR and Blockchain, we would have the tranquility while surfing the internet.

“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth” Oscar Wilde

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