The evolution of fatexdao’s dex

Excerpts from our Green Paper

FATExDEX v2 on the way…

FATExDAO & its DEX/Dapp was never intended to just be a fork yield-farm/dex in the traditional sense:

  • It is a depository for members digital assets and way to contribute and obtain a governance-equity position in the future of the DAO that preserves and grows digital assets, provides DeFi financial services and products that have large scale commercial applications that produce wealth/value through innovations that increase economic activity in an equitable, inclusive, borderless and ESG-aligned manner. With the underpinnings of win-only solutions and extreme real profit potential as the driving motivation to encourage sustainable and social responsible corporate practices.

  • This is significantly different from almost any other DeFi project by its own measure.

  • Given we have a detailed, yet intentionally vaguely described (due to DAO proprietary reasons) way of achieving this and are at the moment, ahead of schedule. We are confident that:

  1. It will continue to be a difficult journey requiring hard work and dedication by all involved.

  2. Absolutely achievable, especially given the measurements for success are not the same as other crypocentric, liquidity pooling schemes that have no justified utility or purpose.

  3. We will gain significantly more public exposure and a member base with these improvements, and a focus on PR/media/content/marketing.

Due to the construction of v1 as a very simple yieldfarm/dex, it was understandably treated that way. We have intentionally avoided marketing ourselves until we are positioned to offer what we have set out to do.

V2 will bring us much closer to the digital asset depository and financial services Dapp it was meant to be:

  • Members can contribute digital assets they plan to hold (#hodl) long term, receive FATE to have voting rights and the results of the CapEx use, reduce price fluctuation and have numerous features that will allow more benefits for digital asset investment and capital yield.

  • We will be obtaining digital asset banking licenses in several domiciles and begin the necessary regulatory process (although we have a “sandbox” of 12–48 additional months if necessary_

  • We are fully compliant legally and regulatory.

  • We will continue to onboard team members that serve in positions like traditional corporations but abide by DAO member decisions and act in their best interest in a public and transparent manner.

The following articles detail the parameters/constructs/offerings etc., of FATExDEX v2 that has been decided, what the intentions are and why, and what will be proposed or is being worked on including a tokenomics update. (The use of the tokens can be found and requested upon via the smart contracts used, which are for public/member purvey at any time and can be found 

We will provide a reporting of CapEx and progress in the first part of the year, 2022, time permitting.

A notable feature is that the permitted price impact ceiling has been adjusted to 5% (from 15%) per trade. This has stabilized the price — and will greatly help when combined with the features we are deploying in v2.

: An AMA can be requested and the social media outlets can be used to communicate and provide positively framed constructive discussion at any time.