The ETH fund pool has begun to receive Sushi rewards

DeFi Hotspot



SuperSwap will provide Gas compensation to users who report errors in the contract


According to SuperSwap Twitter, due to parameter errors in the deployment contract process, SUSHI authorization failed during the redemption process and some users' ethereum network gas fees were deducted. After timely processing by the development team, all parameters have been fully restored to normal. The SuperSwap contract address is: 0x058391e75ee8f675c7eeca35fd6d12b11e73b4b6. For users whose authorization fails and the gas fee is deducted, the SuperSwap development team will compensate the original address for gas within 24 hours.



Sushiswap: The ETH fund pool has begun to receive Sushi rewards


Sushiswap officials just tweeted that the time lock (Timelock) has passed and the UNI:ETH fund pool has begun to receive Sushi rewards. Previously, Sushiswap officially announced that the developer fund had transitioned to the mult-sig contract on September 17. Since the BASED fund pool cannot be migrated, there is an additional bonus fund pool. Once the timelock is passed, the ETH fund pool will begin to receive Sushi rewards.


The voting result of Sushiswap "Reduce SUSHI Supply" will come into effect within 2 days


On September 20th, the Sushiswap community's vote on "reducing SUSHI supply" was officially passed. That is, the upper limit of SUSHI supply will be 250 million pieces, and 2/3 of the existing SUSHI supply will be locked for 6 months. These changes will be implemented soon. Today, SushiChef once again tweeted that due to the existence of timelock, the implementation of the new voting results will take effect within 2 days.



Curve lists DAI/USDC/USDT three currency pool


Curve has launched the DAI/USDC/USDT three-currency pool. On September 7, it was reported that the Curve community initiated a three-currency pool community proposal CIP#13, which is to deploy the three most liquid cryptocurrencies DAI/USDC/USDT in the pool, and the pool can grow into the most liquid pool , While providing the best exchange price to avoid dilution of liquidity. In addition, the fund pool has been optimized and improved on gas fees, and will be used as the base pool of the meta-fund pool, which allows certain fund pools to trade with the base pool without diluting liquidity.