The distribution of crypto on publisher 0x

Hey guys hope we are all well.

Today I wont be telling you anything about crypto more asking a question for the distribution of crypto on publisher.

I have been using this website not too long. But enough to see a difference in earnings when it comes to the 3 crypto currencys you can earn. At the moment I don't have much earnt but it is clear to me more Ethereum is being distributed to me and when I say this I mean the value of Ethereum earnt is greater in comparison to the other 2. The other 2 are earnt at a similar rate but there is a clear difference in comparison to Ethereum.

Basically I'm just interested to know why this might be why is Ethereum being earnt at a higher rate is anyone else seeing this.

So if you have any information I would love to know or am I just an anomaly?

Thanks for reading