The cryptocurrency of the future ¨CARDANO¨

What is Cardano?

Cardano, also known as ADA, is a decentralized platform that provides developed functions to the blockchain community.

This blockchain-powered platform is a direct competitor to Ethereum and has a layered structure that uses the ADA digital token to transfer and receive value.

The team behind Cardano designed this project to overcome the limitations of blockchains when it comes to scalability and design.

The origins of Cardano

Cardano was founded by Charles Hoskinson, one of the co-founders of Ethereum.

There are three organizations working full time to develop and care for Cardano:

The Cardano Foundation 



How does Cardano work?

Cardano is developing in two layers. This separation allows smart transactions on the platform to be more flexible. It also gives companies the opportunity to tailor the design, privacy, and execution of each contract to best suit their specific use cases.

Difference between Ethereum, Cardano and Bitcoin

Cardano, is a third generation cryptocurrency that aims to handle the infrastructure and scaling problems that occur in bitcoin. Precisely, Cardano aims to solve problems related to sustainability, interoperability and scalability in cryptocurrency platforms.

Where can I get Cardano -ADA?

It can be obtained on cryptocurrency exchange platforms.

You my dear readers, do you think that Cardano has a future?

From my point of view I think it does have a lot of potential since I see a lot of future for it, I even think that in a short time it could be worth more than Ethereum.