the Chaintoadz come to AVAX!

The Chaintoadz are coming! 

Another NFT collection you think? Not quite! The Chaintoadz have a reflective minting code and reflect 10% of all minting fees generated, back to the Toad collectors! The collection is also set up in a 3 phase configuration, with the first being the release of the 3333 Chaintoadz this Friday the 8th of October 2021 4:00 PM CET. 

But I am getting ahead of myself,

The story behind the Chaintoadz - a millennia old guest 

The Pondz are alive! The ground around the shore of the ponds in your local swap started shaking and began to move again. After millennia of hibernation in the depths under the swamp the Chaintoadz clans start gathering to prepare their return home to their home planet “Isris C”! With the power of the newly emerged Avalanchian technology in their arsenal, the Toad chiefs now start gathering their crews to prepare the building of their ships! Can you collect a crew of Toadz to send them home?

Crawling around the Chainpondz and searching for the best crew members they can, the Chaintoadz will be looking for their BRAVE captains to recruit them for this species-changing mission! Are you brave enough? Recruit your crew of personal toads from all corners of the pond to make sure you have a wide diversity of members for your Toad team! You will need it.

How it began: Millennia ago the Chaintoadz had to flee their home swamp planet in the search for a new home among the stars, with only little time to prepare and five divided Toad clans spread over the planet, the journey was a dire mission. While on their last fuel cells, the Toad chiefs managed to crash land the mothership in a pond on our home planet earth! With no functioning spaceships or fuel left, the toad clans were stranded here. With the need to adapt the clans put their differences aside and cultivated a wide civilization of crazy toads while waiting for technology to make the necessary leap, all while hidden from the watchful human eye.

Now their time has come and they need your help! Now with humanity ready to go to space, the toads are gathering, but need your help. Each crew of Chaintoadz needs a Toad captain to help them recruit their team, build their ships and launch em into space! Start collecting your team of toads today and prepare them for the challenges of phase two!

The Roadmap - a look at what's to come 

Phase 1, the gathering

-          Chaintoadz launch of 3333 highly qualified Toadz!

-          Sale of the Chaintoadz to their respective captains!

-          Building a community of Toad captains!

-          Toad captains (Holders) collect gas for the coming mission! (AVAX reflections!)

100% Minted – Phase 2, finding someone special   

-          Secret hero support set released! (Details tba)

-          Recruit your Hero!

-          More gas collecting for the mission!

-          Further Story release

100% Phase 2 minted – Phase 3 the ships

-          Spaceships are getting build! (Details tba)

-          Collect your special ship!

-          More gas collecting for the mission (AVAX reflections Phase 1 & 2)

-          Hyperdrive giveaway to toad captains (TBA) 

Your Toad team  - a colorful bunch 

After successful completion of each phase, the next one will be initiated and collectors will get the chance to collect a special asset for their Toad team! 

The supporters and Partners - how the ponds are crawling! 

With their goal to find a new home closer than ever, the Toad chiefs went out into the world to find help and were able to secure some mighty supporters. Catching the eye of some toad-loving NFT collectors! 

The Chaintoadz also secured a mighty forest alliance with ELK Finance! The Toadz will be mintable in AVAX and ELK alike, strengthening the bond between the animals and preparing the Toadz for what's to come! 

Toadz before Launch - a giveaway collection 

You like to get a Chaintoad at launch and secure your spot as a reflection collector before the rush? here are some of some giveaways running till the launch on Friday: 

Pondopedia - a collection of Links 

Official website: Official Twitter: Official Telegram: Official Telegram chat:


Happy collecting!