The Case For Algorand

Disclaimer: I own Algorand and I am not a financial advisor so take what I have to say with a grain of salt. I just like the crypto. 

Algorand is a blockchain that is used to build applications such as These applications are written using, GO, Python, Javascript, and Java programming languages. Transactions that take place on the blockchain are extremely fast using the relay nodes. People who own Algorand tokens can stake them in an Algorand wallet or through crypto exchanges such as Coinbase. 

Recently they released NFTs through an application called AlgoWorld where they released 1500 different trading card NFTs from 193 countries around the world. Algorand is very pro-developer. Going as far as giving tutorials for different applications that new developers to the platform might be interested in making are on the main website of

Algorand uses the proof-of-stake model so people who own Algo tokens don't just make interest by holding, but they also help with consensus on the blockchain. Proof-of-stake has become pretty popular with Ethereum and Cardano also using the model. Algorand is a constantly changing environment which pushes what they call FutureFi where they want people to always have their money. With FutureFi you wouldn't need to use an exchange to switch currencies or a bank to receive interest. 

Algorand has a lot of potential as a blockchain and cryptocurrency. The Algorand Foundation behind the blockchain promotes developers and as such pushes development forward. That's my case for Algorand.