The Benefits Of Luna Staking (Terra Blockchain)

In this article I have talked about the integration of in the Cosmos ecosystem: Here's Why Atom Will Be Bullish In 2022: Evmos And Interchain Security. If you use the wallet, you can transfer Luna and UST to Osmosis via the IBC (Inter Blockchain Communication). I am very bullish about the future of Luna because I believe it is a perfect ecosystem.

If you make 1 UST mint, you will burn $1 of Luna. This burn mechanism prevents Luna from becoming too inflationary.

Spectrum (Yield Optimizer), Nexus Protocol (Yield Farming), Astroport (Dex), Stader Labs (Liquid Staking) and ApolloDAO (Auto-compounding) have recently arrived on Terra. These platforms have joined the "historical" ones: TerraSwap, Anchor, Mirror and Pylon. On Terra there are also communities (Loop Finance) and NFT market (RandomEarth). I think that game play to earn and metaverse will also begin to emerge on Terra, for example a few days ago I bought the Levana Dragons egg (cost? 6 Luna).

I could try to sell it already at 16 Luna but I will not do it for the moment. I bought it because often these NFT projects with eggs can lead to great results (see Kusama's and Genopets' eggs).

The other big reason that makes me very bullish on Luna is the airdrops. Ok, these airdrops are not like those of Uniswap, 1INCH or Paraswap but the nice thing is that almost all protocols perform airdrops for Luna's stakers.

In the photo above, you can see some weekly airdrops. The APR is very low and if you have few Luna in staking on chain you will not even be able to make the claim. You cannot add up the weekly airdrops, you have to claim for each week so you will always have to pay UST gas (0.25 / 0.30 UST).

There are also other airdrops always for Luna's stakers:

-Orion Money

-Glow Yield


-Terra World

-Terra Land



-Loop Markets (monthly for Loopr holder)

-Comdex (Cosmos Ecosystem)

-Desmos Network (Cosmos Ecosystem)

-Shade Protocol (Cosmos Ecosystem)

You can learn more here: SmartStake (Terra)

This whole airdrop system I think is very good for Luna as it provides additional incentives to stake. Staking is very important for a chain because it secures the network. However, I believe that the best solution are the monthly airdrops because with the weekly ones those who have few Luna in staking cannot even make the claim. If you have at least 30 Luna you can do it but it would be preferable to have at least 50 Luna in staking.

Are you interested in ways to earn crypto bonus? Check it out here: Some Sites To Earn Crypto Bonus (Old & New)