Thanks Token : instead of saying Thanks ! Send some Thanks Token

With only 10000 total supply, Thanks token is a decentralized non-profit social token which is used to thank your friends, families, relatives instead of just telling them Thank you.

Thanks Token : Tokens used to thank your friends, families, and relatives

Thanks Token : 10000 Total supply only

Thanks Token : Roadmap

Thanks Token: Tokens used to thank your friends, families, and relatives

Thanks (THANKS) is a decentralized non-profit social token. By sending Thanks, you materialize your gratitude through blockchain technology.

How does Thanks Token work?

In order to accomplish its mission, Thanks offers as an educational tool to introduce crypto sphere and its mechanism to young people. Thanks will also partnership with other projects to become a standard tool of a reward system. Thanks will constantly expand its utility to cover every social interaction.

Thanks token community

At the time of its creation, the token was issued to the community, and its governance immediately decentralized. Therefore, each member of the community can act independently to promote the use of THANKS in their social circle. However, and during the first few weeks, the team made up of the first members of the community will execute the few essential tasks for the launch.

Thanks Token contract address : BSC Contract : 0x0573120c26acf7a8dd5bd6172bf1e584ee342dc1

Thanks Token: 10.000 total supply only

The maximum supply is 10,000 tokens and no other additional tokens can be created, in order to keep the rarity and therefore the value of the thanks.

All liquidity has been locked for 5 years until 2026 by a trusted Third party, which makes rug-pull type financial manipulation impossible.

The whole offer was deposited as THANKS-BUSD Liquidity on Pancakeswap and the balance of this pair determines the price change. The first token holders Discovered it through social Networks and bought it on the exchanges, there is no team wallet or private sale.

Thanks Token contract address : BSC Contract : 0x0573120c26acf7a8dd5bd6172bf1e584ee342dc1

Thanks Token: Roadmap


Delineation of objectives and issuance of the Thanksletter

Creation and deployment of the token on BSC

Supply and lock of liquidity

Phase 2 — LAUNCH

First social accounts and Informative website

Listing on advertising platforms

Official launch


External partnerships

Educational conferences with airdrop to Schools and Universities

NFT release

Phase 4 — ADOPTION

Listing for trade on

Centralized exchanges (CEX)

Development of Android and iOS applications

Mass adoption worldwide

Instead of saying Thanks! Send Thanks Token

Thanks Token contract address : BSC Contract : 0x0573120c26acf7a8dd5bd6172bf1e584ee342dc1

Official website

Telegram channel
