Tellor Update March 11th 2022

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Hey everybody, welcome to another Tellor update.

On the development side we've been flushing out our developer Tim’s random number generator project that he submitted for EthDenver. Random number generators are really useful tools for protocols that need a random input just to prevent game-ability. For protocols like poker or chess, you want to have some semblance of randomness. So, you can make sure that the game is being fairly played.

On the reporter side, Owen is working on a dispute monitor to help reporters understand if any of the values they're submitting could be potentially disputed.

And then lastly, we're still chugging along on building out our Harmony algorithm and Cosmos implementations. Harmony looking to be first on the horizon.

On Monday we posted an interview with CTO Nick Fett, where he talks about his journey in crypto. Highly recommend you give that a listen. That's on the wholesome crypto podcast.

Wednesday was international women's day, so shout out to Brenda and Lauren, two of the strongest web3 developers in the space and we are so lucky that they're both on the Tellor team.

Also, we wanted to thank Algorand for bringing Brenda up on their twitter space giving, her some air time to talk about her role in web3 and a little bit of a shout out to Tellor as well on Thursday Nick gave his talk on regulatory issues for oracles and prediction markets. This again was the same talk he gave to the CFTC a few weeks back. So, I'll post that link in the description below, highly recommend you give that a watch.

We also posted a blog about Tellor’s showcasing its ability to report all of the tokens listed on Coingecko. This was something that we played around with on the Mumbai test-net to showcase that really any token can be reported on if you're looking for a spot price. So, that was really cool to see, you can check that blog post out in the description below.

And then finally Nick is going to be flying out to Austin, Texas, for EthAustin which is going to be held on March 17th and 18th he will be doing a talk on subjectivity in oracles, ethos and is put on by Dystopia labs, the same people that put-on EthPortland. Usually, dystopia labs events skew a little bit more technical which is great for us, as that is our strong suit, so looking forward to that.

That's going to do it for this week's update thanks for watching and we'll see you next week.