Tellor School – Tellor Treasuries

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Teacher Spuddy

Hey guys! This is a quick guide for how to buy a stake in the Tellor treasuries. I was just getting ready to stake my own tokens, so I want to show everybody else how to do it too. First, we’re going to visit the governance contract and delegate our voting power. While your tokens are staked in the treasury, in order to get the full rewards, you must vote on all disputes and upgrades that occur during the 90-day staking period. Voting happens on chain, which means that there is a transaction fee for each vote. We don’t know how many votes there’s going to be, so delegating is a great way to eliminate that cost and if you don’t know what it is. I’ll be delegating to the team’s multisig wallet, because I know that the team will always be voting. So, quick hack for you. Step one is to navigate to the Tellor governance contract. It looks like this (0x51d4088d4EeE00Ae4c55f46E0673e9997121DB00), starts with 0x51d and we’re going to navigate to the contract tab and click write contract. Let’s make sure we’re logged into METAMASK to the address that you want to use for treasuries and then click connect to web3. Green light shows you that you’re connected and double check that this is the correct address here. This is your address that you’re using for treasuries. Let’s call the delegate function and this is where you put the address where you want to delegate your voting power. I’m going to use the team’s multi-sig wallet, which is this address right here (0x39e419ba25196794b595b2a595ea8e527ddc9856). I’m going to click write. My estimated gas fee is pretty big, I’m going to keep doing it because it’s tutorial time. So, the good news about delegating is, you only have to do it once. I’m just going to wait a minute for the transaction to get confirmed. There it is. It says success. Now, let’s head to the treasury’s front end. We’ve got a big green button here that says connect to metamask. We’ll do that first, so on this page you can see information about current treasury’s period, it’s the first one. Q1 2022 Treasury. Max amount 100k TRB. That’s the max amount that can be locked by everybody. Rate of return is 2.5%. Duration is 90 days. That means after 90 days you’ll have 2.5% more tokens in your wallet. That's the payout date there. I’m going to go ahead and buy this treasury. Enter the amount of TRB you’d like to enter into this treasury, then metamask will prompt you to sign a transaction and now we’ll wait for this transaction to go through. Success. All right, I’m done. My wallet shows that I don’t have any TRB anymore, because they are locked in the treasury’s contract. Okay, so we did it. I locked up my tokens in the treasury. Hopefully I’ll be able to make a profit. You might have noticed that I did it when gas was kind of expensive, but I wanted to get this video out to show everybody else how to do it. If anybody has any questions, feel free to send me a dm or ping me in discord and have a good one. 

@Spuddy out.