Tellor community call November 2nd 2021

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Today’s call touched topics like the integration with Ampleforth, which is going fine, waiting on some tests conducted on Ampl’s side, but the vote so far looks very good. In the meantime, the team prepared everything for a smooth integration after the green light. Then a brief timeline of Tellor X launch was layed out, with a rough estimate if everything goes well. Ryan and Nick also talked about Eth Portland and how fruitful it was in meeting cool like-minded people. Brief mentioning of the Thriller music video and also a possible future Tellor event. As for the questions part, there were questions about Tellor being integrated on Binance and whether there are new partners/users. 

Whole discussion

Mike: Hey everyone! Welcome to another Tellor community call. It’s November 2nd. Time is flying. This is Tellor X month. Hopefully. Should be a short call today. Big thing on our minds is the Ampleforth governance vote, for those of you that have been following, we originally planned to launch the on-chain version of the vote yesterday, that’s what we announced to their community. Over the weekend we were talking with the Ample team and there was one last test that they wanted to run. Not testing our oracle but testing their adapter, the thing that once the on-chain vote goes through, the thing that integrates Tellor into their contracts. They wanted to do some double checking on their side, so we’re deploying to Rinkeby for them and doing that test. Brenda, do we have an idea of how many days we’ll need to do that?  

Brenda: I deployed it last night and today we’ll make sure to test the timing of when we call those functions and I guess we’ll do the same tomorrow and then we’ll check in with the team and then once we get a green light hopefully either by end of week or maybe early next week, we can kick off the unchained but it really depends on the team. So, we are testing. We’re already deployed on Rinkeby and we could be so... 

Mike: Yeah, we’re ready we just want to make sure that they’re ready and you know there’s no big difference, if it’s this week or next week so we just want to make sure we do it right and you know this is their governance process, so we want to make sure and they’re learning this is their first time going through it, so it can be delicate, but we’re really excited about that, just for those of you that are thinking that it was going to happen yesterday, it’s just going through a brief one last step. But still really looking forward to that, judging off of the snapshot temperature check vote last week I think it looks really... I mean it was a unanimous vote last week and I think that we’re going to see the unchained vote mimic that sentiment. Very cool, Tellor X progress, how are things going, I think from what I understand, the smart contract side of it is basically buttoned up.  

Nick: Yeah, I think it looks awesome. So, you know we’ve been... Of course, there’s some people that are trying to push through last minute changes and things like that, but it’s all the way buttoned up, we’re basically freezing the code. We updated the final comments this morning and then we’re going to be deploying it to Rinkeby, so the kind of timeline on that is we’ll be deploying it to Rinkeby, we’re going to be testing the full seven-day vote on Rinkeby and then, so probably end of next week it’ll go through, so two days after that it’ll be pushed through in live, or eight days. So yeah, like Thursday it should be going live on Rinkeby. We have a mock contract up if you want to start testing your miners out even before that happens, feel free to just check one of the discord channels, but once that’s up and everything seems to be running, we’ll test that for a week and then kick off the main net vote. Should be pretty straightforward.  

Brenda: Also, thanks to everybody that has contributed and given us feedback on the contract, it is frozen. We’re not making any more changes, but we’ll keep those in mind for the next time.  

Nick: Unless it’s a bug or it’s just a bunch gigantic, where we’re freezing them because we got to try and pause them at some point.  

Brenda: Thank you everybody.  

Mike: Awesome, exciting stuff. Getting closer. Wanted to know how you guys felt about the thriller music video, let me know. Obviously, there’s only one guy here live, but let us know what you guys thought of that. Share it around, it’s ours to keep. For a while and look forward, we have two more coming out at to be determined dates. I’m really excited about. So, stay tuned for some fun, you know, we’re musical, internal team here and it’s nice to be able to bring some of that to our community. 

Nick: I said we were joking yesterday, we dropped the music video and our price went up like ten percent that day, so we’re basically just going to become a music video production company and we’ll get to the moon. It’s really just the only time. 

Mike: And we always talk about doing it a big Tellor event, like our hosting, our own hackathon, in-person event, somewhere in Maryland, and just having music be a big part of it, whether it’s like a hackathon and then a battle of the bands mixed together kind of thing. It’s stuff that we always think about and we like to try to express that more and more now that we have... Well once Tellor X is launched then we’ll have maybe some time to have a little fun. Think that’s it.  

Nick: Well then, Ryan and I went to Portland last week. Ryan, before I give my thoughts, what were yours, how was it? You’re muted. 

Ryan: Gosh, I thought I was beyond that. I’m actually still in Portland, that’s how good it was. No, actually my flights are getting changed around because American Airlines is having some issues, but I had a blast, I thought it was even more intimate than Eth Lisbon and I liked the talks a lot, the talks were a lot more... wasn’t people shilling their projects, it was something outside of what they were, who they were there representing. So, I thought there was a lot of brain trust in a small room and on top of that, with such a small lead way into producing. It was like six weeks that they gave in that they announced it. I thought they did a great job and the Portland people are awesome. I just met some really cool people and had a great time.  

Nick: I mean I definitely felt the same. It was really cool. It felt like DAOs come full force you know. Half the people there were in a DAO or do token weighted voting governance in a DAO and trying to start DAOs and it was really cool, because this was my first time going to a conference in two years and it’s definitely just changed that whole mindset. Of course, there was a lot of NFT talks but you know just like how people care about decentralization and it felt much more about... Especially this conference, it contrasted with say, going to New York conference or even some more financial based ones. This one was much more “How do we bring the community into crypto”. A lot of it was on, they want to build it right and we were popular there because of it. People like what we’re doing, they like the image that we give off trying to become an oracle/DAO and it was really cool. Definitely got to made a bunch of good connections, hopefully a few people that’ll mean oracle here coming up. We’ll let you guys know about that but definitely we’ll be going back. I think they’re doing another one in April.  

Ryan: It’s already booked, she’s already got it scheduled.  

Nick: So, whoever wants to go to Portland in April, let us know. It was a fun time, so I think that’s about it. Thanks for joining GES, let us know if you got any questions and then Mike or Ryan, anybody have any questions?  

Mike: There are a couple. 

Ryan: Want me to do it? 

Mike: Go for it. 


Question1: Are there any new partnerships? Will there be a transition to Binance smart chain? Okay, there’s like four questions here.  

Mike: I think it’s just repeating the same question twice.  

Ryan: Will there be a transition to Binance smart chain? 

Brenda: I think if anything happens it’ll be an extension not a transition and it’s definitely always driven by our user base. As of now we’re just going to be focusing on Eth or Ethereum and then probably Polygon, but that’s our main focus right now.  

Question2: The new website will be launched same time with Tellor X launch? 

Mike: Yes. 

Nick: Give or take a few days, right.  

Mike: The plan is to have Tellor X deployed and then also have a fresh documentation and website all go together. So, we’re trying to time it all to be perfect but it might be give or take. 

Nick: We’re building it all open source, so we have tellor.iox, repo up there if you guys are front-end developers and want to help out. We’re building a website, it’s definitely not the most extreme way to get involved in crypto project, so definitely... 

Mike: It’s a start. And on new partnerships, there are a few couple things we’re working on but just because this one is public in our discord, I want to mention it, because it’s the first one we’re doing it like this. Well, I guess Rye did come in and talk with us in our discord but Morphwere is, we have a meeting with them, they jumped into our discord and just asked about integrating us as an oracle and they said they planned to use us, they just needed some time and sounds like they’re ready to move forward. We haven’t actually met with them one-on-one yet to find out more about what their oracle needs are, but sounds like a cool project. They do, I think they call themselves decentralized machine learning, but I think that they somehow have a protocol where people auction off their computing power.  

Nick: This one is super cool because we’re trying to do it all in a public discord channel. We’re trying to keep the community involved in the bizdev process which is like kind of a first for us.  

Mike: They were really cool. They’re didn’t want to dm us and I said well, let’s just do it all public and what you see is exactly what we’ve seen from them and so we’ll keep it that way. Obviously, we’ll have a phone call with them just because it’s a little bit easier to ask questions but we’re trying to keep it as public as possible so you guys will be able to follow along that entire.  

Nick: We could just do it in the discord. 

Mike: Yeah, I just made a voice channel in there. I’ll ask him because he sent me a link it was a google meet, I’ll see, I bet you that they’re open to just hopping in the discord.  

Nick: He seems cool with kind of whatever.  

Mike: Yeah, good idea. 

Nick: Cool, I think that’s it. Let us know if you guys need anything. We’ll be here, we’re really easy to reach so thanks everyone and then next week maybe, it’s a tentative, we might be getting a Pytelliot code walkthrough. I’m going to be pushing the Pytelliot guys to walk you guys through the new reporter software, all built in python. And then I’ll try and get them to do it in a way that isn’t insanely technical, but it probably will be so we’ll see. It’s good though. Cool. Thanks everyone.