#Tectum #SoftNote Writing Contest and Giveaway - Winners Announced - $1,210 in ETH Rewarded!

Thank you to all of you who took part in the Tectum SoftNote contest, whether via entering the writing part of the contest, the Twitter / X giveaway, or by supporting the contest!

The most fun part of the contest is here - announcing the winners! In total, $1,210 in ETH was rewarded.

A Quick Note - How Are the Winners Paid?

The funds were already added to the winners PUBLISH0X accounts, which you can verify by checking the funds added to the winning post. 

*During the time when rewards were added, ETH was trading at ~$2,430.

In case you win a prize in the Twitter contest and your usernames are different on Twitter and Publish0x, don't worry. In that case, we will simply send you a DM on Twitter asking your for your username on Publish0x, and then you will get the reward!

  • Publish0x has sent an email to all of the authors who have won an award based on their post.
  • Publish0x will send a Twitter DM to all of the users who have won an award based on their tweet, asking them for their Publish0x username.

On to announce the winners!

1st Place: 7 Posts that Won 70 in ETH Each (490 in ETH Total)!

Congratulations to the winners of the contest! Each of the posts is really good, and it is hard to distinguish between them.

  • Tectum and SoftNote, what are they and should you care?
  • Tectum is the Jaggernaut of Blockchains & Monetary SystemsDefiant Pathfinder
  • Tectum SoftNote Writing Contestcryptogod-1
  • SoftNote raises the bar several notches in the search for sound moneySirGerardThe1st
  • Join the SoftNote 1M Transactions Revolution
  • What you need to know about the fastest Blockchain in the world!
  • Tectum's SoftNote?-?$BTC's Fastest Scaling SolutionMessin' With Cryptos

2nd Place: 18 Posts that Won 30 in ETH Each (540 in ETH Total)!

Thank you all for putting in effort! We recognize it and your reward is deserved!

  • Exploring Softnote: An Innovative Solution for Free and Instant Bitcoin Transactions??0??D????????????????e?
  • SoftNote, Creating Equal Opportunities for All Users in a Monetary System That Has It All.CryptoEntrepreneurs
  • How Tectum Provides A Decentralized Crypto Payment Solution
  • Thanks For The SoftNotes, Gramma!SweptOverNiagara
  • SoftNote by Tectum - Fastest Blockchain For All Industries... Or There's An Impostor Among Us?
  • Tectum (TET) - The world's fastest blockchainJBPinkCrypto
  • Tectum and SoftNote Promise One Million Transactions Per Second with a Minimal Fee!Debesh Choudhury
  • Tectum & SoftNote, Futuristic, Innovative, or Suspiciously Out Of Reach?Melina Mehr
  • Tectum SoftNote: The Most Underrated Problem Solver In The Crypto SpaceCryptonator`s
  • Tectum SoftNote: How it Works to Avoid Counterfeiting while Ensuring Digital Payment Security
  • General Explanation and Illustration of Tectum Softnote0fajarpurnama0
  • How Tectum SoftNote Furthers a Crypto Core Idea and Fixes the Pitfalls of L2's
  • What is SoftNote? All you need to know about Tectum Blockchain NetworkMartin Bryan
  • SoftNotes on bc Tectum: A solution to the Trilemma?MikeZillo
  • Empowering Innovations: The T12 Protocol and the SoftNote Ecosystemletssittt
  • Tectum SoftNote: The Ultimate Blockchain TechnologyMarcusblue
  • Bitcoin Lightning Network's shortcomings are solved by Tectum SoftNote's Layer 2 Scaling Solution.blockchainking
  • Now Borderless, instant, free and anonymous BTC payments is feasible using the Tectum Softnote platform…Greenchic

Additional Rewards and Lucky Authors: 26 Posts that Won 5 in ETH Each (130 in ETH Total)!

Thank you for participating in this contest. This small reward shows our appreciation.

  • Tectum Softnote: Privacy In The Crypto AgeInvestigator515
  • Tectum and SoftNotes - Gateway to crypto's worldwide adoptionDestiny_
  • SoftNote by My First ViewThiago Capuano
  • 3 Things That Excite Me About Tectum SoftNoteLocoSocioCrypto
  • Potential for crypto user privacy by Tectum SoftNoteInvictus21
  • My Take on SoftNote Wallet - Advantages & DrawbacksCryptofab
  • SoftNote, What to Expect From Them?Azertyswe
  • SOFTNOTE embodies the whole point of crypto - And for some reason we keep missing what the point of crypto actually isLeftFooted
  • Softnotes: Energizing Bitcoin for instant paymentsTicktalker
  • Tectum: Pioneering the Future of Lightning-Fast BlockchainSoftNote: Revolutionizing Digital TransactionsAshish Gupta
  • why $TET will pump - also check this TweetFIRED2035
  • SoftNote: A profitable solution for blockchain issuesYugocean
  • Are SoftNote Ordinals the Future Of NFT's?Scofield
  • Say Goodbye to Slow and Expensive: Why Tectum SoftNote is a Game-Changer
  • Time To Explore The Use Of Cryptocurrency With SoftNote- Powered By Fastest Blockchain Tectumshohana1
  • How Tectum’s SoftNote Can Push Bitcoin Adoption ForwardKatsuCrypto
  • How SoftNote's Digital Cash for crypto feature can be a gamechanger for crypo and businesses?thetimetravelerz
  • SoftNote - Proceeding , Security and BenefitsAmjadwaince
  • The power of SoftNote and how Tectum Blockchain revolutionizes transactions in an upcoming economic transition with CBDCsvest1992
  • Major Reasons Why the Tectum Softnote Stands Out from the Crowd in the Blockchain TechnologyLaurentiu Artugyan
  • Tectum The next Level of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
  • A wee look into Tectum and their star product SoftnoteTengoLoTodo
  • The Tectum Formula - The ingredients that makes this blockchain the fastest one in the world!cryptobigg
  • Venturing In To The World Of Tectum - Buying Your First TET Tokenrekstoshi
  • What is softnote? And what does it have to offer?
  • SoftNote for soft care: A revolution in the lives of patients and medical staffVinay Bhagat

Twitter Contest / X Winners: 10 Users that Won 5 in ETH Each (50 in ETH Total!)

Thank YOU again to all of you who have taken part in this event in any way, and congratulations to the winners!

As a reminder, Tectum SoftNote, the ultimate Bitcoin/Crypto Layer 2 scaling solution that overcomes all of the pitfalls of the lightning network and that of other blockchains. It is built on the Tectum Layer 1 Blockchain which is the fastest blockchain in the world and transacts at 1.3 million TPS! With SoftNote, users can enjoy instant, trustless, anonymous, and decentralized crypto payments for free.

>> Create a SoftNote Wallet, start minting and filling the SoftNote bills from HERE! <<

If you haven't yet, create a SoftNote Wallet, start minting and filling the SoftNote bills from HERE!

Publish0x Team