Teachers in Singapore Ditch Zoom for Home-based Learning

There are many unexpected consequences to the recent coronavirus crisis. Whereas many schools rely on Zoom to educate pupils at home, Singapore is looking to ban this application after some unfortunate incidents.

Singapore is one of the many countries still in full lockdown.

Zoom Quickly Loses Traction in Singapore

As such, schools are closed, affecting many students throughout the region.

Solving this problem through home education is not easy by any means.

To schedule “classes”, most teachers in Singapore rely on Zoom.

It is a very popular and free solution used in many other countries as well.

Zoom usage in Singapore may be coming to an end very soon, however.

Following some rather unsavory incidents, teachers in the country are flocking to other solutions.

More specifically, several “lewd” incidents have taken place.

All of this happened after Zoom updated settings for home-based learning.

It is now up to teachers to properly secure their virtual classrooms.

That appears to be a big problem, as one stream attended by 39 children was hacked.

Although the stream was halted almost immediately, it is evident that this approach raises a lot of concerns.

Incidents such as these are not to be taken lightly.

Singapore’s Ministry of Education is investigating the Zoom matter and will take legal action if necessary.