T2X – The Best Staking Platform – Weekly Recap #5

September is slowly ending and it’s time for our newest Weekly Recap of one of the best Staking Platforms on the TRON Blockchain – T2Xtoken.io. How were the dividends in the past week? How much can you earn with T2X? TronList has all the answers for you so let’s dig in, shall we?

What is T2Xtoken.io?

T2X is a Staking DApp on the TRON blockchain. By staking T2X Tokens you will be able to earn daily dividends in TRX and T2X. Please check out our previous articles for more information about the project:

  • https://www.tronlist.com/t2x-stakeearn-dapp/
  • https://www.tronlist.com/t2x-weekly-recap-1/
  • https://www.tronlist.com/t2x-weekly-recap-2/
  • https://www.tronlist.com/t2x-weekly-recap-3/
  • https://www.tronlist.com/t2x-weekly-recap-4/


Last week was a really amazing week for T2X and its users. The dividends pool went crazy. We saw the dividends range between 2.5Mln TRX and 4.6Mln TRX daily. The lowest dividends payout was on Day 76 with 2.5Mln TRX pot and the highest dividends payout was on Day 73 – setting a new record high with over 4.6 Mln TRX! If you aren’t already earning with T2X – you are missing out!

There are still ~12h until today’s auction ends and the pool is already over 640 000 TRX. A daily dividends pool of around 2-3Mln TRX has become the new standard for the T2X community after more than two months of operating and paying!



  • Current Exchange Rate: 1TRX = 2.57T2X
  • Investment – 1000 TRX * 2.57 = 2570 T2X
  • Dividends – 2570 T2X generate ~23TRX + 2.6 T2X per day
  • ROI Duration: 1000 / 23 = 43.47 Days
  • ROI: 2.3 % per day


If you have been following our articles, you already know that XSwap – the internal exchange of T2Xtoken.io was exploited last week. The Dev Team reacted instantly and vowed to restore all the lost funds of all the users.

One week afterwards – we can gladly announce that they made good to their promise:

All refunds have been sent out for xswap. We intend to relaunch soon. Stay tuned!

T2XToken.io Dev Team

We certainly don’t need more proof than that to recognize that T2Xtoken.io is a 100% Legit Platform, which cares for it’s community, even when they have to pay with their own funds because of an exploit. Long live T2X and its developers! We can soon expect the launch of the newly audited smart contract of XSwap -which noone can exploit!


T2Xtoken.io is THE Staking Platform on the Tron Blockchain. More and more users are attracted to the lucrative daily rewards of T2X. The genius tokenomics behind T2X will make sure that the project will only grow stronger with every week and will last for many more months/years to come! Go check it out and let us know what you think in the comments.

Thank you for checking out our article and remember to always do your own research before investing anywhere. We, here at TronList, will certainly keep you posted about the latest updates at T2Xtoken.io.


Official Website: https://t2xtoken.io/

Official Telegram: https://t.me/T2Xtoken

Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/T2XToken

Official Discord: https://discord.gg/YMpcptT

Contract Address: https://tronscan.org/#/token20/THsSSczBw9RRMJWYL5j2MtcgaPasL2xPGP/holders

Whitepaper: https://t2xtoken.io/litepaper.pdf