Symbiosis x OolongSwap swap contest

Hi! We are happy to announce a new swap contest!

 any token for a token on Boba and get cashback! The more you swap, the more you get!

There 3 options on how you can participate:

  1. Swap $50 and get $15 cashback in USDT(Boba)
  2. Swap $100 and receive $25 cashback in USDT(Boba)
  3. Swap $200 and get $55 cashback in USDT(Boba)

Event Dates: July 6th 9:00 UTC — July 13th 9:00 UTC

Only swaps made to any token on Boba count. Swap must be done in our 

We’ll also draw $1000 in $OLO for participants, i.e. we’ll randomly choose 100 addresses and send them an extra $10. Thanks to OolongSwap!

OolongSwap is the leading DEX built on the Boba network (Ethereum’s newest L2). OolongSwap incorporates all of the features you need from a traditional DEX while pioneering new ideas from DeFi 2.0 such as Protocol Controlled Value (PCV).

Good luck! ?