Symbiosis Finance: Changing the Game One Way or Another

The crypto community is a fast-paced, rapidly evolving world at the moment, making the old business adage, "Adapt or die" all the more emphasized. The blockchains, DAOs, and cryptocurrencies of the future will be those that adapt to the market and the times. That means being flexible enough to change directions if needed; that means listening to clients and consumers alike; that means being proactive in dealing with current and potential problems.

Symbiosis Finance is jumping into the game with adaptability in hand and the solution to both current and future problems in the crypto space, making them a company to keep your eye on. Billing itself as an interactive, multi-chain protocol acting as a decentralized exchange, has many goals and many options for traders and investors alike. Let's break down why is worth watching, worth researching, and worth your investment.

Best Price Aggregator

Traders looking to get the best price on a digital asset may find themselves researching multiple different exchanges, writing down exchange fees, rates, assets, options, rewards, etc. has a dream of eliminating that hassle by aggregating the best swapping prices from across all blockchains. "Low Slippage" is something you'll see them say often, and that's their priority: allowing users to move liquidity across multiple chains with low fragmentation. Period.

Check out the swap portion of their app, and you'll find the ability to freely move , and more quickly and cheaply. Users can also exchange hundreds of currencies across whatever chain they're on with incredibly low fees.

does not require the use of any extra custodial wallets, they do not own or manage any of your assets. They merely provide the ability for you to trade, swap, or exchange your virtual money however you like. They want transparency and simplicity, giving users peace of mind and trust.

All About Passive Income

When it comes to crypto investments--for me at least--I'm all about the passive income. Buying the dip, HODLing, trading, and swapping is all good, but I want the kind of revenue stream that earns me money whether I'm watching the markets or not; whether I'm out camping or working at my computer. Nodes, LM pools, staking, etc. are more up my alley, and thankfully, has me covered.

If users are looking to earn some Symbiosis' native token, they can navigate over to the rewards portion of the app and stake either Sushiswap. The APY is over 100% for both, so you can take your pick.

If you're like me, liquidity pools are more to your style, and thankfully has several for me to choose from. Head over to their pools tab and take a gander at all they offer. The process is straightforward to invest your crypto with them, and they've even written a helpful guide to anyone who needs more guidance.

Nascent Technology

is new to the crypto space. They're still in Beta and they've only recently launched their Mainnet. As they continue to operate in this industry, their UX, interface, and ease of use will only grow. They are still in Beta, and as such, there are a few problems with their site and some bugs to iron out. Those bugs are small, but users should work with knowing they are a work currently in progress.

Here are some potential headaches to look out for: While navigating around, I frequently found pages that would not connect to my wallet unless I closed the browser and tried again. The APY for their liquidity pools also fluctuates drastically, with a pool's APY at 353% on Monday then at 91% on Wednesday. Their token has not weathered the past few weeks well, which isn't negative news in itself--especially with all the tumult in the world the past few months--but if it doesn't turn around soon, its future is only red.

In Summation...

Like I said, they are definitely someone to keep your eye on. They have a lot going for them and their potential impact in the future is huge. They could easily be a one-stop-shop for most of your crypto need in the not-so-distant future if they continue partnering with large blockchains and currencies and if they improve the smoothness of their user experience. is a bet I'm willing to take after doing my research. And I believe that bet will only grow more lucrative with time.

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