Surviving the Uncertainties: The Importance of Side Hustles in Today's World

Nowadays it is getting tough to survive if you are a salaried person the inflation rates are increasing everywhere and so mnay things are going on all over the world at the same time. If you think that you are not gonna affected by the things that are going on around you then you might be a little wrong here. We can take the case of the Russia and Ukraine war that is been going on for more than a year, maybe the war seems to be a bit slower but it is affecting the entire world we do see the inflation rates are increasing all over the world even if the countries are supporting or not supporting the war in any way. War did make things worse, war is never gonna be an option (what do you think?).

I do feel bad for the people who are there fighting for their lives now this seems to be a bit normal in many areas but still, the fear is there I am sure. Imagine if you have seen a wild animal in your area then it is really hard for you to walk alone or you will be afraid to leave your kids or family member alone, There will be a state of fear in your mind when you will see someone have caught that wild animal from your area then you can a breath of relief for. There are so many neighboring countries who are trying their best to attack the neighboring countries and want to capture some particular region.

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So, the thing is simple life is so uncertain you can say what is gonna happen in the next moment of your life. The one thing we do is to be prepared for that or at least try to survive with what we do have. It is getting really hard to survive with one salary even if you are not the primary earner of your family you still do need money to full fill your basic needs we all do money. Most of us are totally dependent upon the salary-based system we work for an entire month and wait for the money to get credited to the account.

Believe me, it is really hard to survive with the money you earn I really appreciate those who do manage to live with a very low source of income. But the thing is they are never gonna get out of that loop. The only thing that is gonna help us to get rid of the loop is the side hustle (don't you think ?). It doesn't matter what you do if you have an internet connection (that is what is very really available all over the world I guess), you can start doing something that makes you feel good or the thing that you are a bit passionate about. You have to be perfect at that just start that thing that you like to do after a while you will realize that you are getting better at that and that is surely gonna happen.

These days a side hustle is really necessary you can't depend upon one job especially if you are a corporate employee. The one thing you should keep in mind is to try to invest what you are earning from the side hustle or you can do the opposite of that. invest your active income and start using your passive or side hustle money that can be a good way to earn a good income and save/invest your money at the same time. I have seen so mnay people who do have more than two jobs but still are in the same situation, most of them do focus on a higher lifestyle which is good in a way but that is like what you are earning and spending it all. Then how are you supposed to save or invest money?

With proper planning you can achive anything, yes literally anything the thing is simple just stick to what you have planned on day one when you have started the journey. we all want to earn money and to level up our lifestyle but not all of us are able to do that, sometimes we lack skill, and most of the time discipline is the very common thing that came in our way. I do take Hive as my side hustle and to be honest, I have seen the results of the time I have spent here on Hive it is worth it. There are so mnay things you are doing here to earn an income and explore your other side.

I was never sure that I am gonna stay for this long but see I am here doing my best I can trying to improve daily myself and my writing skills (I do feel that I have improved a lot from day one here on Hive). Maybe I will be a content writer in the future who knows let's see what will happen or maybe I will start writing blogs on some particular niche. Keep hustling you never know what is gonna make you rich in the near future. There is nothing like get-rich-quick schemes if you think there are things like that then my dear friends you are not correct about that. start hustling...

see you in the next post, till then keep learning and keep exploring...