Student Coin Updates, new bonus listing in May !

A very interesting announcement for the Student Coin project has just fallen in the night. Indeed, Student Coin has just announced that the Student Coin (STC) will be listed on 3 new platforms. These exchange platforms are : 

  • Probit
  • Coinbit
  • P2PB2B

This will take place shortly after Launchpad comes to an end. Indeed, the STC will be listed first on Coinbit on May 12, on May 13 on P2PB2B and finally on Probit on May 15.

This is obviously great news for the credibility and the future of the Student Coin. It was also announced that STC will be listed on more platforms over time. This will help the project to grow and expand, as the exchange of STC will be facilitated through these platforms and will be democratized little by little.

The project is on the right track folks! As a reminder, Launchpad is currently in phase 104 with over $23.3million dollars already raised. You can currently buy STCs for the price of $0.0175 per unit. You should also know that the STC is currently valued at $0.02211 on Coinmarketcap. Take advantage of this low price again. For this, you can invest in the STC Launchpad HERE.

See you soon for more Student Coin adventures.

The Unknown.