Student Coin : learn about crypto with STC Education Panel !

While browsing my Student Coin wallet, I recently discovered a feature of the project that I find super interesting and that shows once again how serious, real and concrete the STC project is. For those who already have a wallet, you can go to the top right corner to reach the STC Education button.

What is STC Education?

As the name suggests, STC Education is the place where you can gain and/or develop your knowledge about various cryptos, the blockchain and how it works, and the current hot technologies. This content is divided into several parts, depending on the information and content you are looking for such as major topics like "investment", "security" or simply "cryptocurrencies".

Several courses are already available and others are in the creation phase. I find it very rich and useful for people who don't have a deep knowledge on various topics or just to get interested in this or that project or topic. The proposed content is rich and already very extensive to say that the STC project is in its infancy.

I strongly advise you to join this STC Education and to read the content inside. We could compare it to COINBASE Earn for example which informs us about new cryptos but in much more global and without, unfortunately, receive free crypto. However, the only negative point in my opinion, the layout of this content could be improved. Indeed, as you can see below, most of the content is in the form of terms or small boxes to check. I think it's a pity that it's not more interactive and captivating, by proposing videos for example. This may come later.

As said before, I still encourage you to go there via this link and if you still haven't invested in the STC, it's not too late since you can still do so at a low price on the STC Launchpad HERE.

Have a nice day everyone.

The Unknown.