Storing Your ZEN is Easy!

Secure Your ZEN Today!


With Horizen, you have plenty of options to safely store your ZEN. We've curated a list of cold and hot storage solutions below.


What We Are About


Sphere By Horizen: Our flagship app can run a full client and lite client, functions as both a web and paper wallet, supports both transparent and private transactions, secure messaging, and the ability to run a Full Node. Download Sphere by Horizen.


Web Wallet: The web wallet is a good alternative for quick usage. It runs client side and users have the ability to import private keys from other wallets.


Ledger Nano S: A popular hardware wallet used for cryptocurrency storage. Easily store, send, and receive ZEN on your Ledger. 


Cool Wallet S: A sleek wallet optimized for mobile use. Cool Wallet S is completely wireless, secure, and  supports fast transactions via encrypted Bluetooth technology. 


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